Here you can find a list of all ARCTOS members and PhD students. In the drop-down menu you can either select the member status or the institution the member belongs to.
Ketil Eiane
Professor and Vice Dean for Education
- Population dynamics
- Behavior
- Scale and ecology
- Mortality rates
- Modelling. …
Research interests:
- Population dynamics
- Behavior
- Scale and ecology
- Mortality rates
- Modelling.
Running national and international projects:
- LoVe MarinEco – Marine Ecosystem Research in the Lofoten-Vesterålen region
- NMDC – Norwegian Marine Data Centre
Completed national and international projects:
- Spatially structured dynamics of cod larvae in LoVe
- Arctic Calanus in the Barents Sea ecosystem
- The Arctic Sea in Wintertime: ecosystem structuring due to environmental variability during the Polar night (ARCWIN)
- Phenotypic variability in life-history traits: Is intra population variability important for zooplankton dynamics.
- ROBOCOP: Dyreplankton i koplede fysisk-biologiske modeller. Personal post-doc project.
Popular science and outreach:
- Eiane K (2003) Levende vitenskap i kaldt klima. pp 59 – 65 in Arlov TB (ed.) Universitetet på tundraen: UNIS 1993-2003. UNIS, Longyearbyen 143 pp. (in Norwegian).
- Eiane K & Tande K (2008) Chapter 8: Zooplankton. In Sakshaug E (Ed.) The Barents Sea. An updated and translated version of the Norwegian edition from 1991.
Claudia Erhart
PhD candidate
PhD project title:
Biological effects of crude oil in fish species from the Barents Sea.
PhD project description:
The main objective of my PhD project is to elucidate the biological effects of petroleum exposure in fish on survival and fitness of early life stages (ELS). On the one hand, we will determine the toxicity of different crude oil related contaminants in fish early life stages directly exposed to the toxicant. With this study, we challenge a common belief that PAHs are mainly responsible for the toxicity of the water-soluble fraction of crude oil and act via specific pathways. On the other hand, we will investigate indirect effects of crude oil exposure on gametes and ELS. We will analyse contaminant accumulation in oocytes arising from parental transfer and study the endocrine disruption potential of crude oil in adult fish via molecular changes in the brain-pituitary-gonad-liver axis.
Start date: Jan 2020
Planned submission date: Dec 2023
Jasmine Nahrgang (UiT, Tromsø, Norway)
Marianne Frantzen (APN, Tromsø, Norway)
Igor Eulaers
Post-doctoral Researcher
- Multiple-stressor ecology
- Food web and ecosystem models
- Network analysis
- Process optimisation
- Reduction of complexity
- Knowledge management
- Good practices
Research interests:
- Multiple-stressor ecology
- Food web and ecosystem models
- Network analysis
General interests:
- Process optimisation
- Reduction of complexity
- Knowledge management
- Good practices
Mohamed Ezat
- Ecology and culturing of (sub)polar planktic foraminifera
- Ocean acidification; past, present and future
- Method development for paleoclimate reconstructions
- Paleoclimatology, paleoceanography & geochemistry
- ARCLIM, the Arctic Ocean under warm climates (website under construction)
Research interests:
- Ecology and culturing of (sub)polar planktic foraminifera
- Ocean acidification; past, present and future
- Method development for paleoclimate reconstructions
- Paleoclimatology, paleoceanography & geochemistry
Current projects:
- ARCLIM, the Arctic Ocean under warm climates (website under construction)