
Here you can find a list of all ARCTOS members and PhD students. In the drop-down menu you can either select the member status or the institution the member belongs to.

Photo of Amalia Maili

Amalia Maili

PhD candidate

PhD project title: Assessing the Functional Diversity of Benthic Communities using Metatranscriptomics.…Read More
Nord UniversityFaculty of Biosciences and Aquaculture Work address Faculty of Biosciences and Aquaculture Nord University Post box 1490 Bodø 8049 Norway

PhD project title:

Assessing the Functional Diversity of Benthic Communities using Metatranscriptomics.

PhD project description:

Marine benthic communities constitute an important part of the marine seafloor environment, as they are involved in a multitude of important ecological processes such as geochemical cycling and the distribution of pollutants. Studying these communities in situ and exploring their activity down to the gene level can reveal insights into their functional role within the benthic ecosystems. Our aim is to investigate the molecular profile of benthic communities exposed to organic effluents from aquaculture farms by comparing the expression levels of selected genes at impacted and non-impacted sites. We use a metatranscriptomic approach, i.e. the analysis of the complete RNA contents of benthic organisms contained within environmental samples.

Start date: Sep 2015
End date: Nov 2018


Truls Moum (Nord University, Bodø, Norway)
Henning Reiss (Nord University, Bodø, Norway)

Photo of Miriam Marquardt

Miriam Marquardt

Research interests: Arctic marine biology with special interest in biodiversity, cryo-pelagic coupling and food web studies.…Read More
UiT The Arctic University of NorwayArctic and Marine Biology Address UiT The Arctic University of Norway Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economy Department of Arctic and Marine Biology Tromsø 9019 Work Phone: +47 776 56 140

Research interests:

Arctic marine biology with special interest in biodiversity, cryo-pelagic coupling and food web studies. Strong background in sea ice fauna and flora, protist and phyto- and zooplankton. Experienced in molecular approaches (HTS, Sanger, TSA FISH, bioinformatics), microscopy, ecological studies and statistics.

Current projects :

Completed projects:

  • 2018: Meiochart: Framsenter Incentive Funding for proposal writing and organization, ID 8220218 (PI)
  • 2017: KlimaSvar: Climate and Biodiversity status in Svalbard´s fjords, RiS: 10757
  • 2015-2016: EcoCice: Ecological Consequences of diminishing sea ice, Fram Centre, RiS: 10612
  • 2012-2016: MicroFun / Adventfjorden Field Campaign
    2008: CFL: Circumpolar Flaw Lead Study

Relevant scientific publications:

  1. Marquardt M., Skogseth R., Wiedmann I., Vader A., Reigstad M., Gabrielsen T.M. (accepted) Vertical export of marine pelagic protists in light of hydrography in an ice-free high-Arctic fjord throughout 2011-2012 (Adventfjorden, West Spitsbergen). Accepted March 2019 for publication in Aquatic Microbial Ecology
  2. Marquardt M, Majaneva S, Pitusi V, Søreide JE (2017) Pan-arctic distribution of the hydrozoan Sympagohydra tuuli? – First record in sea ice from Svalbard (European Arctic). Polar Biology
  3. Marquardt M, Vader A, Stübner EI, Reigstad M, Gabrielsen TM (2016) Strong seasonality of marine microbial eukaryotes in a high-Arctic fjord (Isfjorden, in West Spitsbergen, Norway). Appl Environ Microbiol 82:1868 –1880. doi:10.1128/AEM.03208-15
  4. Stübner EI, Søreide JE, Reigstad M, Marquardt M, Blachowiak-Samolyk K (2016) Year-around meroplankton dynamics in high-Arctic Svalbard. J. Plankton Res. doi:10.1093/plankt/fbv124
  5. Wiedmann I, Reigstad M, Marquardt M, Vader A, Gabrielsen TM (2016) Seasonality of vertical flux and sinking particle characteristics in an ice-free high Arctic fjord – Different from subarctic fjords? Journal of Marine Systems 154(B):192-205. doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2015.10.003
  6. Vader A, Marquardt M, Meshram AR, Gabrielsen TM (2014) Key Arctic phototrophs are widespread in the polar night. Polar Bio 38: 13-21. doi: 10.1007/s00300-014-1570-2
  7. Marquardt M, Kramer, M, Carnat G, Werner I (2011) Vertical distribution of sympagic meiofauna in sea ice in the Canadian Beaufort Sea. Polar Biology, Volume 34, Number 12, 1887-1900. doi: 10.1007/s00300-011-1078-y


  1. PhD thesis: Marquardt (2016) Marine microbial eukaryotes in Svalbard waters: Seasonality, community composition and diversity (UNIS/UiT)

Popular science and outreach:

  • FramForum 2018: First record of the hydrozoan S. tuuli in Svalbard sea ice (Søreide et al.)
  • 2012- 2016: Writing entries for different outreach blogs: UNIS (2012-2013, not available anymore)
  • Marine incognitum
  • ARCTOS network
  • Cleopatra II fieldcampaign, Svalbardposten


Photo of Sofia Amieva Mau

Sofia Amieva Mau

PhD candidate

PhD project title: Temporal dynamics of mero- and ichthyoplankton: can pelagic larvae of benthic invertebrates buffer climate-driven match-mismatch dynamics?…Read More
Nord UniversityFaculty of Biosciences and Aquaculture Work address Nord University Post box 1490 Bodø 8049 Norway Home Phone: +4775517549 Website: ResearchGate

PhD project title:

Temporal dynamics of mero- and ichthyoplankton: can pelagic larvae of benthic invertebrates buffer climate-driven match-mismatch dynamics?

PhD project description:

My PhD is embedded within the MarFiLD (Marine Fish Larvae Dynamics) project and focuses on the role of meroplankton, i.e. the larvae of benthic organisms that only spend part of their lifecycle in the plankton community, as potential prey for young fish larvae in sub-Arctic fjords of Norway.
Ongoing climate change can lead to a temporal and spatial mismatch between predator and prey, leading to variability in predator survival rates. The larvae of many fish species often reach their first-feeding stage at approximately the same time that zooplankton biomass increases in response to spring phytoplankton bloom. Meroplankton also show shifts in abundance and timing in response to temperature changes and although they remain understudied, meroplankton might represent alternative prey for fish larvae in climate-driven mismatch scenarios where the usual prey is not sufficiently abundant or available anymore. This project will study the temporal dynamics of meroplankton and its potential role as alternative prey organisms for fish larvae in the sub-Arctic region of northern Norway.

Start date: 06. Feb 2023
Planned submission date:
06. Feb 2027


  • Henning Reiss (Nord University, Bodø, Norway)
  • Paul Renaud (Akvaplan-niva, Tromsø, Norway)
  • Marc Silberberger ( Institute of Oceanology PAN, Sopot, Poland)

Scientific publications:

  • Amieva Mau, S., Harvey, M.S., Harms, D., 2022. New syarinid pseudoscorpions from Ecuador (Pseudoscorpiones, Syarinidae: Ideobisium and Ideoblothrus). EJT 821, 102–149.
Photo of Rosalie McKay

Rosalie McKay

PhD candidate

PhD project title: Variability in sea ice microbial production under a changing climate.…Read More
UiT The Arctic University of NorwayDepartment of Arctic and Marine Biology Work address Department of Arctic and Marine Biology Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tromsø 9037 Norway Work Phone: +47 77 64 63 11

PhD project title:

Variability in sea ice microbial production under a changing climate.

PhD project description:

I use O2 optode methodologies to study how regional and seasonal variations affect microbial sea ice community production. I am also interested in how sea ice microbes have adapted to survive the polar night. Linking fieldwork to experimental studies, I hope to highlight how methodologies may impact sea ice biogeochemical measurements.

Start date: August 2021
Planned submission date: August 2025


Karley Campbell (UiT, Tromsø, Norway)
Rolf Gradinger (UiT, Tromsø, Norway)

Scientific publications:

  1. Kausar A, McKay RD, Lam J, Bhogal RS, Tang AY, Gibbs-Davis JM. Tuning DNA stability to achieve turnover in template for an enzymatic ligation reaction. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2011 Sep 12;50(38):8922-6. doi: 10.1002/anie.201102579


Photo of Benjamin Merkel

Benjamin Merkel


Research Interests: I am a numerical ecologist with a background in marine and movement ecology, particularly in the polar environment.…Read More
Akvaplan-nivaEcosystems Work address Akvaplan-niva AS Fram Centre Tromsø 9296 Norway Work Phone: +47 77 75 03 06 Website: ResearchGate Website: Google Scholar

Research Interests:

I am a numerical ecologist with a background in marine and movement ecology, particularly in the polar environment. My research so far focused on the spatiotemporal structure of populations at different trophic levels, the role of connectivity between them, the implications thereof, and global change and how or if individual behaviour and hence populations can adapt.

Popular Science and outreach:

  1. Jensen J, Aune M, Renaud P, Merkel B & Christensen G (2022) The red king crab: a blacklisted but valuable fisheries resource- FRAM FORUM. Fram Centre, Tromsø, Norway.
  2. Helgason HH, Strøm H, Descamps S,Merkel B, Moe B, Bråthen V, Tarroux A, Fauchald P & Ekker M (2019). Large-scale seabird movements throughout the year – SEATRACK 2014-2018- FRAM FORUM. Fram Centre, Tromsø, Norway.
  3. Merkel B& Lone K (2015). Innsikt fra telemetri før og nå (Knowledge gained using biotelemetry technology in the past and present). Isbjørn – Kongen av Arktis (Polar bear – King of the Arctic)(eds. Jon Aars & Dag Vongraven). Tromsø Museum – University museum, Tromsø, Norway.
Photo of Anna Miettinen

Anna Miettinen

ARCTOS Secretary

The ARCTOS Network has a new Secretary, Anna Miettinen.…Read More
Work address Department for Arctic and Marine Biology Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics UiT The Arctic University of Norway

The ARCTOS Network has a new Secretary, Anna Miettinen. Anna is Finnish and has been residing in Northern Norway since 2020, including Tromsø and Svalbard. Her research interests include phytoplankton ecology in the Northern Hemisphere and anthropogenic pollutants, such as plastics. Anna has completed a Master’s degree in Marine Ecology at UiT in the recent years supervised by the previous ARCTOS Leader Rolf Gradinger (UiT) and member Claudia Halsband (APN), and has worked in a few of the member institutes, including IMR, APN and UNIS. During her master’s, Anna been involved in the network activities, such as the ARCTOS cruises which are part of the PhD school courses.

Anna is excited to take over the duties of the secretary and get the network active and running once again, and will be facilitating events like workshops, colloquia and the ARCTOS Days. The member activity is important to all of us, and to help us succeed in reaching the potential of the network, cultivating new ideas for events and networking are highly welcome.

Anna can be found at the NFH building at UiT in room C214, and can be reached through email at with any questions, inquiries and ideas.

Photo of Lonnie Mikkelsen

Lonnie Mikkelsen

Post-doctoral Researcher

Research interests:
  • Marine Mammals
  • Biologging
  • Spatial analyses
  • Accelerometry
  • Effects of underwater noise
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Norwegian Polar InstituteSection for Pollution and Marine Mammals Work address Norwegian Polar Institute FRAM Centre Hjalmar Johansens gate 14 Tromsø 9007 Norway Website: ResearchGate Website: Google Scholar

Research interests:

  • Marine Mammals
  • Biologging
  • Spatial analyses
  • Accelerometry
  • Effects of underwater noise
Photo of Èric Jordà Molina

Èric Jordà Molina

PhD candidate

PhD project title: Spatiotemporal dynamics of benthic community composition and function in a rapidly changing Arctic.…Read More
Nord UniversityFaculty of Biosciences and Aquaculture Work address Nord University Post box 1490 Bodø 8049 Norway Work Phone: +47 75 51 74 02 Website: ResearchGate

PhD project title:

Spatiotemporal dynamics of benthic community composition and function in a rapidly changing Arctic.

PhD project description:

This project attempts to cover existing knowledge gaps in soft-bottom benthic communities’ species composition and ecological functioning of the north-eastern Barents Sea in a context of rapid environmental change. A part of the study is dedicated to investigate the spatio-temporal dynamics of species diversity and community respiration processes in a year-round basis to describe baseline seasonal patterns and to put them in context with climate change through sediment incubation experiments. Another part of the project will be focused on a time-series study in Rijpfjord, north of Svalbard, where soft-bottom macrofauna samples taken throughout the last two decades will be analyzed to describe potential community shifts in biological structure and functional traits in a rapidly changing Arctic.

Start date: 28. Aug 2019
Planned submission date: 27. Aug 2022


Henning Reiss (Nord University, Bodø, Norway)
Arunima Sen (Nord University, Bodø, Norway)
Paul Renaud (Akvaplan-niva, Tromsø, Norway)
Bodil Bluhm (UiT, Tromsø, Norway)

Scientific publications:

  1. Jordà Molina, È., Silberberger, M. J., Kokarev, V., & Reiss, H. (2019). Environmental drivers of benthic community structure in a deep sub-arctic fjord system. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 225, 106239.
Photo of Markus Molis

Markus Molis


Research interests:
  • benthic ecology
  • species interactions
  • role of phenotypic plasticity in modulating species interactions
  • chemically-mediated species interactions
  • drivers of diversity, structure, and functioning of benthic communities
  • experimental ecology on rocky and sedimentary coasts (intertidal and shallow subtidal, i.e.
Read More
UiT The Arctic University of NorwayArctic and Marine Biology Work address Department of Arctic and Marine Biology Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tromsø 9037 Norway Work Phone: +47 77660293 Website: UiT employee page

Research interests:

  • benthic ecology
  • species interactions
  • role of phenotypic plasticity in modulating species interactions
  • chemically-mediated species interactions
  • drivers of diversity, structure, and functioning of benthic communities
  • experimental ecology on rocky and sedimentary coasts (intertidal and shallow subtidal, i.e. within the reach of diving activities)


  • Seaweed exhibition at UiT museum. In collaboration with Andreas Altenburger, I plan to organize an exhibition on marine seaweeds in the UiT museum in 2023.


  1. Molis M, R Hill, O Hüppop, L Bach, T Coppack, S Pelletier, T Dittman, A Schulz (2019) Measuring bird and bat collision and avoidance. In: M Perrow (Ed.) Wildlife and Wind Farms, Offshore: Monitoring and Mitigation. Pelagic Publishing
  2. Bischof K, C Buschbaum, S Fredriksen, FJL Gordillo, S Heinrich, C Jiménez, C Lütz, M Molis, MY Roleda, M Schwanitz, C Wiencke (2019) Kelps and environmental changes in the Kongsfjord ecosystem: From stress perception to community responses. Adv Polar Ecol (in press)
  3. Molis M, Laudien J, Beuchel F, Wlado-Karlowska M, Buschbaum C (2019) Ecological drivers of and responses by Arctic benthic communities, with an emphasis on Kongsfjorden, Svalbard. Adv  Polar Ecol (in press)
  4. Franz M, FR Barboza, HH Hinrichsen, A Lehmann, M Scotti, C Hiebenthal, M Molis, R Schutt, M Wahl (2018) Long-term records of hard-bottom communities in the southwestern Baltic Sea reveal the decline of a foundation species. Est Coast Shelf Sci 219:242-252
  5. Martinez-Crego B, P Arteaga, A Ueber, AH Engelen, R Santon, M Molis (2016) Specificity in mesograzer-induced defences in seagrasses. PLoS ONE 10(10): e0141219
  6. Petrowski S, K Schachtl, M Molis, C Buschbaum (2016) Do bioturbation and consumption affect shallow Arctic marine soft-bottom communities? Polar Biol 39(11):2141-2153
  7. Petrowski S, M Moils, A Bender, C Buschbaum (2016) Effects of continuous and sporadic presence of kelp thalli on Arctic marine soft bottom assemblage structure and diversity. Polar Biol 39(11):2131-2140
  8. Cusson M, Crowe TP, Araújo R, Arenas F, Aspden R, Bulleri F, Davoult D, Dyson K, Fraschetti S, Herkül K, Hubas C, Jenkins S, Kotta J, Kraufvelin P, Migné A, Molis M, Mulholland O, Noël L M.-L J, Paterson DM, Saunders J, Somerfield PJ, Sousa-Pinto I, Spilmont N, Terlizzi A, Benedetti-Cecchi L (2015) Relationships between biodiversity and the stability of marine ecosystems: comparisons at a European scale using meta-analysis. J Sea Res 98:5-14
  9. Ellrich J, RA Scrosati, M Molis (2015) Predator non-consumptive effects on prey recruitment weaken with recruit density. Ecology 96(3):611-616
  10. Molis M, RA Scrosati, EF El-Belely, T Lesniowski, M Wahl (2015) Wave-induced changes in seaweed toughness entail plastic modifications in snail traits maintaining consumption efficacy. J Ecol 103(4):851–859
  11. Wahl M, M Molis, AJ Hobday, S Dudgeon, R Neumann, P Steinberg, AH Campbell, E Marzinelli, S Connell (2015) Global through local environmental change and the responses of brown macroalgae: direct and ecologically mediated effects. Perspec Phycol 2(1):11-30
  12. Ellrich, JA, RA Scrosati, C Bertolini, M Molis (2015) A predator has nonconsumptive effects on different life-history stages of a prey. Mar Biol 163:5
  13. Ellrich J, RA Scrosati, K Romoth, M Molis (2015) Adult prey neutralizes predator non-consumptive limitation of prey recruitment PLoS ONE 11(4): e0154572
  14. Flöthe CR, M Molis, U John (2014) Induced resistance to periwinkle grazing in the brown seaweed Fucus vesiculosus (Phaeophyceae): molecular mechanisms and seaweed-mediated effects on herbivore interactions. J Phycol 50:564-576
  15. Flöthe CR, M Molis, I Kruse, F Weinberger, U John (2014) Molecular support for temporal dynamics of induced anti-herbivory defences in the brown seaweed Fucus vesiculosus. Eur J Phycol 49(3):356-369
  16. Flöthe CR, U John, M Molis (2014) Comparing the relative importance of water-borne cues and direct grazing for the induction of defenses in the brown seaweed Fucus vesiculosus. PLoS ONE 9(10):e109247
  17. Flöthe CR & M Molis (2013) Temporal dynamics of inducible anti-herbivory defenses in the brown seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum (Phaeophyceae). J Phycol 49(3):468-474
  18. Zwerschke N, M Bollen, M Molis, Scrosati, RA (2013) An environmental stress model correctly predicts unimodal trends in overall species richness and diversity along intertidal elevation gradients. Helgol Mar Res 67(4):663-674
  19. Crowe T, M Cusson, F Bulleri, D Davoult, F Arenas, R Aspden, L Benedetti-Cecchi, S Bevilacqua, I Davidson, E Defew, S Fraschetti, C Golléty, JN Griffin, K Herkül, J Kotta, A Migné, M Molis, SK Nicol, LM-LJ Noël, I Sousa Pinto, N Valdivia, SR Jenkins (2013) Large-scale variation in combined impacts of canopy loss and disturbance on community structure and ecosystem functioning. PLoS ONE 8(6): e66238. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0066238
  20. Beermann A, J Ellrich, M Molis, RA Scrosati (2013) Effects of seaweed canopies and adult barnacles on barnacle recruitment: the interplay of positive and negative influences. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 448:162-170
  21. Johnston B, M Molis, RA Scrosati (2012) Predation risk cues affect prey feeding activity differently in barnacle juveniles and adults. Can J Zool 90:128-132
  22. Bulleri F, L Benedetti-Cecchi, M Cusson, F Arenas, R Aspden, I Bertocci, T P Crowe, D Davoult, B K Eriksson, S Fraschetti, C Golléty, J Griffin, S R Jenkins, J Kotta, P Kraufvelin, E Maggi, M Molis, I  Sousa Pinto, A Terlizzi, N Valdivia, D M Paterson (2012) The stability of European rocky shore assemblages: variation across a latitudinal gradient and the role of canopy-forming acroalgae. Oikos 121(11):1801-1809
  23. Yun HY, M Molis (2012) Comparing the ability of a native and a non-indigenous seaweed to induce anti-herbivory defenses. Mar Biol 159(7):1475-1484
  24. Valdivia N, C Golléty, A Migné, D Davoult, M Molis (2012) Stressed but stable: Canopy loss decreased species synchrony and metabolic variability in an intertidal hard-bottom community. PLoS ONE 7(5):e36541
  25. Yun HY, AH Engelen, RO Santos, M Molis (2012) Water-borne cues of a non-indigenous seaweed mediate grazer-deterrent responses in native seaweeds, but not vice versa. PLoS ONE 7(6):e38804
  26. Scrosati, RA, AS Knox, N Valdivia, M Molis (2011) Testing predictions on species richness and diversity from an environmental stress model using NE Atlantic rocky intertidal elevation gradients. Helgol Mar Res 65:91-102
  27. Fricke A, M Molis, C Wiencke, N Valdivia, AS Chapman (2011) Effects of UV radiation on structure and diversity of Arctic macrobenthic communities. Polar Biol 34(7):995-1009
  28. Molis M, I Preuss, A Firmenich, J Ellrich (2011) Predation risk indirectly enhances survival of seaweed recruits but not intra-specific competition in an intermediate herbivore species. J Ecol 99(3):807-817
  29. Wahl M , Jormalainen V, Eriksson BK, Coyer JA, Molis M, Schubert H, Dethier M, Ehlers A, Karez R, Kruse I, Lenz M. Pearson G, Rohde S, Wikström SA, Olson JL (2011) Stress ecology in Fucus: Abiotic, biotic, and genetic interactions. In: Adv Mar Biol (Ed. M Lesser), Oxford, Academic Press 59:27-106
  30. Wahl M, et al. (2011) Species Richness Matters Little for the Stability of Stressed Communities: a Global Experiment. PLoS ONE 6(5):e19514
  31. Valdivia N, RA Scrosati, M Molis, AS Knox (2011) Variation in community structure across vertical intertidal stress gradients: how does it compare with horizontal variation at different scales? PLoS ONE 6(8):e24062
  32. Molis M, A Enge, U Karsten (2010). Grazing impact of and indirect interactions among kelp (Laminaria digitata)-associated mesograzers. J Phycol 46(1):76-84
  33. Pfaff MC, C Hiebenthal, M Molis, GM Branch, M Wahl (2010) Patterns of diversity along experimental gradients of disturbance and nutrient supply – the confounding assumptions of the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis. African J Mar Sci 32(1):127-135
  34. Yun, HY, S Rohde, K Linnane, M Wahl, M Molis (2010). Seaweed-mediated indirect interactions between two species of meso-herbivores. Mar Ecol-Prog Ser 408:47-53
  35. Eschweiler N, M Molis, C Buschbaum (2009) Habitat-specific size structure variation in periwinkle populations (Littorina littorea) caused by biotic drivers. Helgol Mar Res 63:119-127
  36. Molis M & M Wahl (2009) Comparison of the impacts of consumers, ambient UV, and future UVB irradiance on macro-epibenthic assemblages. Global Change Biol 15:1833-1845
  37. Valdivia N, de la Haye KL, Jenkins SR, Kimmance SA, Thompson RC, Molis M (2009) Functional composition, but not richness, affected the performance of sessile suspension-feeding assemblages. J Sea Res 61:216-221
  38. Campana G, Zacher K, Fricke A, Molis M, Wulff A, Quartino ML, Wiencke C (2009) Drivers of colonization and succession in polar benthic macro- and microalgal communities. Bot Mar 52:655-667
  39. Molis M, BAP da Gama (2009). Simple and complex interactions. In: M Wahl (Ed.) Marine Hard-Bottom Communities. Springer Verlag, p. 225-237
  40. Bartsch I, C Wiencke, K Bischof, CM Buchholz, BH Buck, A Eggert, P Feuerpfeil, D Hanelt, S Jacobsen, R Karez, U Karsten, M Molis, MY Roleda, H Schubert, R Schumann, K Valentin, F Weinberger & J Wiese (2008) The genus Laminaria sensu lato: recent insights and developments. Eur J Phycol 43 (1):1-86
  41. Canning-Clode J, M Kruse, M Kaufmann, M Lenz, M Molis & M Wahl (2008) Influence of disturbance and nutrient enrichment on early successional biofouling communities in an oligotrophic marine system. Mar Ecol 29:115-124
  42. Canning Clode J, N Valdivia, J Thomason, M Molis, M Wahl (2008) Regional richness assessment in marine benthic communities: quantifying the error using large data-sets from different habitats. Limnol Oceanogr Methods 6:580-590
  43. Fricke A, M Molis, C Wiencke, N Valdivia & A Chapman (2008) Natural succession in different water depths and disturbance of macroalgal communities after transplantation from deep to shallow water on Spitsbergen. Polar Biol 31(10):1191-1203
  44. Molis  M, J Körner, Y-W Ko & JH Kim (2008) Specificity of inducible seaweed anti-herbivory defences depends on identity of macroalgae and herbivores. Mar Ecol-Prog Ser 354:97-105
  45. Sudgen H, M Lenz, M Molis, M Wahl & JC Thomason (2008) Experimental investigation into the influence of nutrient enrichment on the intermediate disturbance hypothesis in marine communities. J Animal Ecol 77 (1):24-31
  46. Valdivia N, M Molis (2008) Observational evidence of a negative biodiversity-stability relationship in intertidal epibenthic communities. Aquat Biol 4(3):263-271
  47. Valdivia, N, JD Stehbens, B Hermelink, SD Connell, M Molis & M Wahl ((2008) Disturbance mediates the effects of nutrients on developing assemblages of epibiota. Austral Ecol 33(8):951-962
  48. Wollgast S, M Lenz, M Wahl & M Molis (2008) Effects of a temporally variable disturbance regime on the diversity, species composition, and ecosystem function of subtidal macrobenthic assemblages. Helgol Mar Res 62(4):309-319
  49. Svennson R, M Siccha, M Lundgren, H Pavia, M Lenz, M Molis & M Wahl (2007) Maximum species richness at intermediate frequencies of disturbance frequency: consistency among levels of productivity. Ecology 88(4):830-838
  50. Yun, HY, Cruz J, Treitschke M, M Molis & M Wahl (2007) Testing for the induction of anti-herbivory defences in four Portuguese macroalgae by direct and water-borne cues of grazing amphipods. Helgol Mar Res 61 (3):203-209
  51. Zacher K, A Wulff, M Molis, D Hanelt & C Wiencke (2007) Ultraviolet radiation and consumer effects on a field-grown intertidal macroalgal assemblage in Antarctica. Global Change Biol 13:1201-1215
  52. Bischof K, M Molis (2006). Wälder unter Wasser – Großalgengemeinschaften. In: Hempel G, Hempel I, Schiel S (eds). Leben im Meer – ein ökologisches Lesebuch. Verlag H. M. Hausschild GmbH, Bremen, pp 222-228
  53. Bischof K, I Gomez, M Molis, D Hanelt, U Karsten, U Lüder, MY Roleda, K Zacher & C Wiencke (2006) Ultraviolet radiation shapes seaweed communities. Rev Envir Sci Bio-Tech 5:141-166
  54. Contardo Jara V, JHS Myamoto, BAP da Gama, M Molis, M Wahl & RC Pereira (2006) Limited evidence of interactive disturbance and nutrient effects on the diversity of macrobenthic assemblages. Mar Ecol-Prog Ser 308: 37-48
  55. Diaz E, C Güldenzoph, C McQuaid, M Molis & M Wahl (2006) Variability in grazer-mediated defensive responses of green and red macroalgae on the south coast of South Africa. Mar Biol 149 (6): 1301-1311
  56. Molis  M, J Körner, Y-W Ko, JH Kim, & M Wahl (2006) Inducible responses in the brown seaweed Ecklonia cava: the role of grazer identity and season. J Ecol 94(1): 243-249
  57. Wessels H, W Hagen, M Molis, C Wiencke & U Karsten (2006) Intra- and interspecific differences in food quality of Arctic macroalgae from Kongsfjorden (Spitsbergen) for two benthic sympatric invertebrates. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 329: 20-33
  58. Che J, M Molis, T Dzeha & M Wahl (2005) Herbivore induced defenses in macroalgae on the Kenyan coast. J Phycol 41: 726-731
  59. Macaya E, E Rothäusler, M Thiel, M Molis & M Wahl (2005) Induction of defences and within-plant variation on palatability in two brown algae from the northern-central coast of Chile: effects of mesograzers and UV radiation. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 325: 214-227
  60. Rothäusler E, EC Macaya, M Molis, M Wahl & M Thiel (2005) Laboratory experiments examining inducible defense show variable responses of temperate brown and red macroalgae Rev Chil Hist Nat 78(4): 603-614
  61. Valdivia N, A Heidemann, M Thiel, M Molis & M Wahl (2005) Disturbance and diversity in hard-bottom macrobenthic communities at the coast of Chile. Mar Ecol-Prog Ser 299:45-54
  62. Lenz M, M Molis & M Wahl (2004) Experimental test of the intermediate disturbance hypothesis: Frequency effects of emersion on fouling communities. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 305: 247-266
  63. Lenz M, M Molis & M Wahl (2004) Experimental test of the intermediate disturbance hypothesis: response of fouling communities to various levels of emersion intensity. Mar Ecol-Prog Ser 278:53-65
  64. Molis M & M Wahl (2004) Transient effects of solar ultraviolet radiation on macrobenthic community diversity at Lüderitz, Namibia. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 302: 51-62
  65. Rohde S, M Molis & M Wahl (2004) Regulation of anti-herbivore defence by Fucus vesiculosus in response to various cues. J Ecol 92:1011-1018
  66. Wahl M, M Molis A Davis, S Dobretsov, ST Dürr, J Johansson, J Kinley, D Kirugara, M Langer, HK Lotze, M Thiel, J Thomason, B Worm & D Zeevi Ben-Yosef (2004) UVR effects that come and go: marine epibenthic community level impacts in a global comparison. Global Change Biol 10:1962-1972
  67. Weidner K, BG Lages, BAP da Gama, M Molis, M Wahl & RC Pereira (2004) Effects of mesograzers and nutrient levels on the induction of defenses in several Brazilian macroalgae. Mar Ecol-Prog Ser 283:113-125
  68. Molis M, M Lenz & M Wahl (2003) Radiation effects along an UVB gradient on species composition and diversity of a shallow-water macrobenthic community in the western Baltic. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 263: 113-125
  69. Lotze HK, B Worm, M Molis & M Wahl (2002) Effects of UV radiation and consumers on recruitment and succession of a marine macrobenthic community. Mar Ecol-Prog Ser 243: 57-66.
Photo of Sebastien Moreau

Sebastien Moreau

Research Scientists

Research interests: As a researcher, I study the biogeochemistry of polar oceans, with a particular interest in primary productivity and more broadly about the organic and inorganic carbon cycle.…Read More
Norwegian Polar Institute Work address Tromsø Norway Home Phone: +47 41 24 22 65 Website:

Research interests:

As a researcher, I study the biogeochemistry of polar oceans, with a particular interest in primary productivity and more broadly about the organic and inorganic carbon cycle. I have a geographically wide interest of the Arctic and Southern Ocean, from frontal jets and eddies, the high-nutrients low-chlorophyll regions, the sea ice covered areas, to the more coastal domain, including polynyas, and sea ice.

2018-now – Leader of the Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) Regional Working Group: Weddell Sea – Droning Maud Land

2018-now – Norway National Representative for the Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS)

2018-now – SSC Member for the SCAR working group BEPSII: biogeochemical exchanges processes at the Sea Ice Interfaces

Current projects:

  • Biological Oceanography in the Southern Ocean: Droning Maud Land cruise on-board the Norwegian Icebreaker Kronprins Haakon in March-April 2019.
  • SANOCEAN project (NFR): Southern Ocean phytoplankton community characteristics, primary production, CO2 flux and the effects of climate change. Cooperation project between Norway and South Africa.

PhD thesis title: “Combined effects of UVB radiations and climate change on the marine microbial community west of the Antarctic Peninsula. Potential impact on the carbon cycle.”

Defense: March 30th 2011, Rimouski, Canada


  • Dr. Gustavo Ferreyra, ISMER
  • Dr. Serge Demers, ISMER
  • Dr. Behzad Mostajir, UM2

Completed projects:

  • RUGBY – (CRSNG, Canada) Research on Ultraviolet and Global warming effects
 on Biological pump Yields.
  • BIGSOUTH – (BELSPO, Belgium) BIoGeochemical cycles in the SOUTHern Ocean: Role within the Earth System.
  • YROSIAE – (BELSPO, Belgium) year-round study of sea ice biogeochemistry in McMurdo Sound, Ross Sea, Antarctica.
  • EDDY (MNF, Australia) – Role of eddies in Southern Ocean biogeochemistry.
  • CRYOCEAN (AAD, Australia)– Impact of the predicted changes in sea ice extent on primary productivity of the Southern Ocean: links between the iron and carbon (2015-2017)

Relevant scientific publications:

  1. Moreau S., A. Della Penna, J. Llort, R. Patel, C. Langlais, P. Boyd, R. J. Matear, H. Philips, B. Tilbrook, A. Lenton, P. G. Strutton. 2017. Eddy-induced carbon transport across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 31 (1-19)
  2. Moreau S., Vancoppenolle M., Bopp L., Aumont O., Madec G., Delille B., Tison J.-L., Pierre-Yves Barriat and Goosse H. 2016. Assessment of the sea-ice carbon pump: Insights from a three-dimensional ocean-sea-ice biogeochemical model (NEMO-LIM-PISCES). Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 4: 000122
  3. Moreau S., Mostajir B., Bélanger S., Schloss I. R., Vancoppenolle M., Demers S. and Ferreyra G. A. 2015. Climate change enhances primary production in the western Antarctic Peninsula. Global Change Biology 21(6):2191-205
  4. Moreau S., Vancoppenolle M., Delille B., Tison J.-L., Zhou J., Kotovitch M., Thomas D., Geilfus N.-X. and Goosse H. 2015. Drivers of inorganic carbon dynamics in first-year sea ice: A model study. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120 (1): 471-495
  5. Moreau S., Vancoppenolle M., Zhou J., Tison J.-L., Delille B. and Goosse H. 2014. Modeling argon dynamics in first-year sea ice. Ocean Modelling, 73: 1-18
  6. M. Vancoppenolle, K. Meiners, C. Michel, L. Bopp, F. Brabant, G. Carnat, B. Delille, D. Lannuzel, G. Madec, S. Moreau, J.-L. Tison, P. van der Merwe. 2013. Role of sea ice in global biogeochemical cycles: emerging views and challenges. Quaternary Science Review, 79: 207-230
  7. Schloss I. R., Abele D., Moreau S., Demers S., Bers V. A., González O. and Ferreyra G. A. 2012. Response of Potter Cove phytoplankton dynamics to long term climate trends. Journal of Marine Systems, 92: 53-66.
  8. Moreau S., G. A. Ferreyra, B. Mercier, K. Lemarchand, M. Lionard, S. Roy, B. Mostajir, S. Roy, B. Van Hardenberg and S. Demers. 2010. Variability of the microbial community in the western Antarctic Peninsula from late fall to spring during a low ice cover year. Polar Biology 33(12): 1599-1614
  9. Moreau S., Ferreyra G. A., Mercier B., Lemarchand K., Thyssen M., Almandoz G. O., Hernando M., Schloss I. R., Mostajir B. and Demers S. 2014. Effects of enhanced temperature and ultraviolet B radiation on a natural plankton community of the Beagle Channel (southern Argentina): a mesocosm study. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 72: 155-173
  10. Moreau S., Schloss I. R., Mostajir B., Demers S., Almandoz G. O., Ferrario M. E. and Ferreyra G. A. 2012. Influence of microbial community composition and metabolism on air−sea ΔpCO2 variation off the western Antarctic Peninsula. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 446: 45–59

Popular science and outreach: