Here you can find a list of all ARCTOS members and PhD students. In the drop-down menu you can either select the member status or the institution the member belongs to.
Victor Gonzalez Triginer
PhD Candidate
PhD project title:
Spatial and temporal shifts in Arctic fjord biodiversity caused by climate changes.
PhD project description:
Climate change in Arctic coastal systems leads to declining sea ice and sea-terminating glaciers, and these changes are expected to modify biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in the littoral fjord areas. In addition, influx of Atlantic water and invasive species, which may compete with and displace Arctic species, may change community composition and spatial distribution. As part of the EU project FACE-IT, my PhD aims to study these changes in the cryosphere of littoral Arctic fjord areas and link them to the spatial distribution of biodiversity and abundance, with a focus on littoral fish. In this project we use sustainable, non-invasive monitoring tools and cutting-edge technology, by the use of an Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) with an autonomous echosounder system, oceanographic sensors and underwater camera systems. This study contributes to a better understanding of the links between marine biodiversity, land influx and changes in the cryosphere, addressing the ongoing climate change mechanisms in the High Arctic land to sea interactions.
Start date: 01.05.2021
Planned submission date. 01.05.2025
Børge Damsgård (UNIS, Longyearbyen, Norway)
Jørgen Berge (UiT, Tromsø, Norway)
Maxime Geoffrey (Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada)
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