Allison Bailey » Members

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Allison Bailey

Post-doctoral researcher Norwegian Polar InstituteResearch department: Ecotoxicology
Work address Norwegian Polar Institute Fram Centre Tromsø 9296 Norway Work Phone: +47 77 75 05 57 Website: Google Scholar
Photo of Allison Bailey

Research interests:

  • Physiological and evolutionary responses to climate change drivers
  • Investigating local adaptation of populations living along environmental gradients as an indication of their response to future environmental change
  • Ocean acidification
  • Arctic copepods
  • The role of acclimatization and adaptation in allowing populations to cope with environmental change
  • The role of lipid storage in the life cycles of Arctic Calanus spp.

Running national and international projects:

  • 2019-2023: Arctic Marine Evolution: using local adaptation to infer future evolutionary responses of Calanus copepods to a changing environment (EvoCal), NFR. Co-project leader
  • 2018-2020 : Ocean Acidification – Drivers and Effects on Arctic Marine organisms and ecosystems (OA-DREAM). Fram Centre Flagship. Post-doc funding source.