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Lena Seuthe
Scientific Advisory for the Nansen Legacy project
UiT The Arctic University of NorwayArctic and Marine Biology
Work address Department of Arctic and Marine Biology Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tromsø 9037 Norway
Work Phone: +47 77 64 69 93
Work Email: lena.seuthe@uit.no
Website: UiT employee profile
Relevant scientific publications:
- Michel C, Hamilton J, Hansen E, Barber D, Reigstad M, Iacozza J, Seuthe L (2015) A review and perspectives on Arctic Ocean outflow shelves in the changing Arctic. Progr Oceanogr
- Berge J, Renaud PE, Darnis G, Cottier F, Last K, Gabrielsen TM, Johnsen G, Seuthe L, Weslawski JM, Leu E, Moline M, Nahrgang J, Søreide JM, Varpe Ø, Lønnen OJ, Daase M, Falk-Petersen S (2015) In the dark: paradigms of Arctic ecosystems during polar night challenged by new understanding. Progr Oceanogr
- Morata N & Seuthe L (2014). Importance of bacteria and protozooplankton for faecal pellet degradation. Oceanologia 56: 565 – 581. doi: 10.5697/oc.56-3.565
- Svensen C, Wexels Riser C, Reigstad M, Seuthe L (2012) Degradation of copepod faecal pellets in the upper layer: role of microbial community and Calanus finmarchicus. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 462: 39-49. doi: 10.3354/meps09808
- Svensen C, Seuthe L, Vasilyeva Y, Pasternak A, Hansen E (2011) Zooplankton distribution across Fram Strait in autumn: Are small copepods and protozooplankton important? Progr Oceanogr 91: 534-544. doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2011.08.001
- Seuthe L, Töpper B, Reigstad M, Thyrhaug R, Vaquer-Sunyer R (2011) Microbial communities and processes in ice-covered Arctic waters of the northwestern Fram Strait (75 to 80oN) during the vernal pre-bloom phase. Aquat Microb Ecol 64: 253-266. doi: 10.3354/Ame01525
- Rokkan Iversen K and Seuthe L (2011) Seasonal microbial processes in a high-latitude fjord (Kongsfjorden, Svalbard): I. Heterotrophic bacteria, picoplankton and nanoflagellates. Polar Biol 34: 731-749. doi: 10.1007/s00300-010-0929-2
- Seuthe L, Rokkan Iversen K, Narcy F (2011) Microbial processes in a high-latitude fjord (Kongsfjorden, Svalbard): II. Ciliates and dinoflagellates. Polar Biol 34: 751-766. doi: 10.1007/s00300-010-0930-9
- Mauritzen C, Hansen E, Andersson M, Berx B, Beszczynska-Möller A, Burud I, Christensen KH, Debernard J, de Steur L, Dodd P, Gerland S, Godøy Ø, Hansen B, Hudson S, Høydalsvik F, Ingvaldsen R, Isachsen PE, Kasajima Y, Koszalka I, Kovacs KM, Køltzow M, LaCasce J, Lee CM, Lavergne T, Lydersen C, Nicolaus M, Nilsen F, Nøst OA, Orvik KA, Reigstad M, Schyberg H, Seuthe L, Skagseth Ø, Skarðhamar J, Skogseth R, Sperrevik A, Svensen C, Søiland H, Teigen SH, Tverberg V, Wexels Riser C (2011) Closing the loop – Approaches to monitoring the state of the Arctic Mediterranean during the International Polar Year 2007–2008. Progr Oceanogr 90: 62-89. doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2011.02.010
- Wexels Riser C, Wassmann P, Reigstad M, Seuthe L (2008) Vertical flux regulation by zooplankton in the northern Barents Sea during Arctic spring. Deep-Sea Res II 55: 2320-2329. doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2008.05.006
- Juul-Pedersen T, Michel C, Gosselin M, Seuthe L (2008) Seasonal changes in the sinking export of particulate material, under first-year sea ice on the Mackenzie Shelf (western Canadian Arctic). Mar Ecol Prog Ser 353: 13-25. doi: 10.3354/meps07165
- Seuthe L, Darnis G, Wexels Riser C, Wassmann P, Fortier L (2007) Winter-spring feeding and metabolism by Arctic copepods: insights from faecal pellet production and respiration measurements in the southeastern Beaufort Sea. Polar Biol 30: 427-436. doi: 10.1007/s00300-006-0199-1
- Arndt CE, Fernandez-Leborans G, Seuthe L, Berge J, Gulliksen B (2005) Ciliated epibionts on the Arctic sympagic amphipod Gammarus wilkitzkii as indicators for sympago-benthic coupling. Marine Biol 147 (3): 643-652. doi:10.1007/s00227-005-1599-4
Popular science and outreach:
- Interviewed scientist in NRK program “Schrødingers katt”
- Visiting high school pupils at UiT, talk “Isfritt Arktis – et blomstrende hav?”
- Visiting Solstua barnehagen “Klypedyr – fra hoppekreps til kongekrabbe” – living and dead animals to touch and dissect
- Popular science article “The planktonic food web in arctic seas: from simplicity to complexity” by Seuthe L, Rokkan Iversen K, Narcy F, in Fram Forum 2012
- Visiting Solstua barnehagen “Hvem lever i havet” – living benthic and pelagic animals to touch and observe
- European Researchers Night at Polaria, talk: ‘Hvordan er det å være forsker?’ for high school pupils
- Tromsø Skipperforenning, talk: ‘Marin forskning i Tromsø: Hva forsakes det på og hvorfor trenge vi den type forskning?’
- German school class visiting UiT, talk and lab: ‘Das marine Nahrungsnetz in der Arktis und moegliche Folgen des Klimawandels’
- Open Ship KV Svalbard: dissipation of own research within the project iAOOS – Closing the loop
- Book Chapter “The pelagic food web: Structure, function and contaminants” by Deibel D, Fortier L, Stern G, Loseto L, Darnis G, Benoit D, Connely T, Lafrance P, Seuthe L, Simard Y, Trela P, in “On thin ice: A synthesis of the Canadian Arctic Shelf Exchange Study (CASES)” eds. Fortier L, Barber D, Michaud J. Aboriginal Issues Press 2008