Marit Reigstad » Members
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Marit Reigstad
Research interests:
Marine plankton ecology and flux of organic matter
Main focus: Fate of primary production through vertical carbon export and regulation and physical-biological coupling influencing production and export.
I started my career in fjords, investigating how the pelagic plankton community regulated vertical flux of organic matter, seasonality, and the impact of advection on fjord ecology. Since 2000, I have worked in the Arctic seasonal ice zone on how the physical environment impacts plankton productivity and communities and the resulting vertical flux of organic matter. I have used short term sediment traps for flux studies, experimental studies on particle attenuation and modification, and physical-biological coupled modeling for up-scaling to larger temporal and spatial scales, as well as to evaluate specific processes and interactions.
Student project opportunities:
Examples of completed PhD and Master projects:
- Christine Dybwad (2016): Fate of production in the Arctic seasonal ice zone (MSc)
- Ingrid Wiedmann (2015): Potential drivers of the downward carbon and particle flux in Arctic marine ecosystems under contrasting hydrographical and ecological situations (PhD)
- Maria Therese Antonsen (2014): Annual population dynamics of the small harpacticoid copepod Microsetella norvegica in a high latitude fjord (Balsfjord, Northern Norway) (MSc)
- Hildur Petursdottir (2012): Trophic relationships and the role of Calanus in the oceanic ecosystems south and north of Iceland (PhD)
- Anette Wold (2012): Calanus glacialis: The role of lipids in the life cycle and for the pelagic food web (PhD)
- Lena Seuthe (2011): Planktonic food webs in the Arctic Ocean: Structure and function in contrasting seasons and physical settings across Fram Strait (PhD)
- Helene Hodal (2011): Primary production and the relevance of small autotrophic and heterotrophic cells in Arctic marine ecosystems (PhD)
- Kriss Rokkan Iversen (2011): The microbial food web in a changing Arctic Ocean: Seasonal structure and function, regulatory mechanisms and carbon dynamics in Svalbard waters (PhD)
Running national and international projects:
- CarbonBridge: Bridging marine productivity regimes: How Atlantic inflow affects productivity, carbon cycling and export in a melting Arctic Ocean, 2014-2017, NFR (Lead PI)
- The Nansen Legacy, a national project initiative on drivers and functions of the ecosystem in the northern Barents Sea region (Lead PI), initiating phase 2014-2017, planned project phase 2018-2023
- A-TWAIN: Monitoring of Atlantic inflow to the Arctic Ocean. Fram Centre Flagship project, 2011-
- Transsiz: Transitions in the Arctic seasonal ice zone, Polarstern expedition initiated through the IASC endorsed ‘Arctic in Rapid Transition’ network
- FAABulous: Future Arctic Algae Blooms – and their role in the context of climate change, 2015-2018, NFR
- NorLUS: Spatiotemporal distribution and abundance of salmon lice in Norther Norwegian fjords, 2015-2017, Regional Forskningsfond
Completed national and international projects:
- CONFLUX on vertical flux regulation (Tromsø Forskningsstiftelse, 2010-2013), Lead PI, researcher
- iAOOS Norway: Closing the loop (NFR, 2007-2009), WP-leader
- Arctic Calanus in the Barents Sea Ecosystem (StatoilHydro, 2006-2008), WP leader
- CABANERA – Carbon flux and ecosystem feedback in the northern Barents Sea in an era of climate change. (NFR, 2003-2006), Co-leader. Post doc/ researcher
- MACESIZ – Marine climate and ecosystems in the seasonal ice zone (NFR, 2003-2006), researcher
- GLIMPSE – Global implications of Arctic climate processes and feedbacks (EU, 2003-2006), researcher
- FAMIZ – Food web uptake of persistent organic pollutants in the Arctic Marginal Ice Zone of the Barents Sea (EU, 2001-2002), researcher
- ALV – Climate change and carbon flux in the marginal ice zone of the European Arctic (NFR, 1998-2000), short stipend from UiT associated to the project
- Program on Norwegian Coastal Ecology (NFR, 1995-2000), PhD project
- Program on Marine Pollution (NTNF, 1994-95), scientific assistant
- Pelagic eutrophication and sedimentation in the Bight of Riga (Nordic Council of Ministers, 1993-1996), scientific assistant
Relevant scientific publications (see also Google Scholar, ORCid, ResearcherID):
- Marquardt M, Vader A, Stübner E, Reigstad M, Gabrielsen T (2016). Strong seasonality of marine microbial eukaryotes in a high-Arctic fjord (Isfjorden, West Spitsbergen). Appl Environ Microbiol 82:1868–1880
- Stübner E, Søreide J, Reigstad M, Marquardt M, Blachowiak-Samolyk K (2016) Common strangers – seasonal meroplankton dynamics in high-Arctic Adventfjorden, Svalbard. J Plankton Res. doi:10.1093/plankt/fbv124
- Wiedmann I, Reigstad M, Marquardt M, Vader A, Gabrielsen T (2016). Vertical flux seasonality in an ice-free high Arctic fjord – different from sub-Arctic fjords? J Mar Systems 154: 192-205
- Holding JM, Duarte CM, Sanz-Martín M, Mesa E, Arrieta JM, Chierici M, Hendriks IE, García-Corral LS, Regaudie-de-GiouxA, Delgado A, Reigstad M, Wassmann P, and Agustí S (2015). Temperature dependence of CO2-enhanced primary production in the European Arctic Ocean. Nature Climate Change.
- Tremblay JE, Anderson LG, Matrai P, Coupel P, Belanger S, Michel C, Reigstad, M (2015). Global and local drivers of nutrient supply, primary production and CO2 drawdown in the changing Arctic Ocean. Progress in Oceanography 139: 171-196
- Michel C, Hamilton J, Hansen E, Barber D, Reigstad M, Iocozza J, Seuthe L, Niemi A (2015). Arctic Ocean outflow shelves in the changing Arctic: A review and perspectives. Progress in Oceanography 139: 66-88
- Randelhoff A, Sundfjord A, Reigstad M (2015). Seasonal variability and fluxes of nitrate in the surface waters over the Arctic shelf slope. Geophysical Research Letters. doi: 10.1002/2015GL063655
- Findlay HS, Gibson G, Kędra M, Morata N, Orchowska M, Pavlov AK, Reigstad M, Silyakova A, Tremblay J-E, Walczowski W, Weydmann A, Wood C (2015). Responses in Arctic marine carbon cycle processes: conceptual scenarios & implications for ecosystem function. Polar Res. 34, 24252,
- Wiedmann I, Reigstad M, Sundfjord A, Basedow SL (2014) Potential Drivers of Sinking Particle’s Size Spectra and vertical flux of particulate organic carbon (POC): Turbulence, phytoplankton and zooplankton. JGR ocean. 119 (10): 6900–6917. DOI: 1002/2013JC009754
- Svensen C, Morata N, Reigstad M (in press). Increased degradation of copepod faecal pellets by co-acting dinoflagellates and Centropages hamatus. Mar Ecol. Prog. Ser.
- Lydersen C, Assmy P, Falk-Petersen S, Kohler J, Kovacs K, Reigstad M, Steen H, Strøm H, Sundfjord A, Varpe Ø, Walcowski W, Weslawski JM, Zajaczkowski M (2014). The importance of tidewater glaciers for marine mammals and seabirds in Svalbard, Norway. J Mar Systems 129: 452-471.
- Vaquer Sunyer R, Duarte CM, Holding J, Regaudie-de Gioux AGarcía-Corral LS, Reigstad M Wassmann P (2013). Seasonal patterns in Arctic planktonic metabolism (Fram Strait – Svalbard region). Biogeosciences 10: 1451-1469.
- Tamelander T, Reigstad M, Olli K, Slagstad D, Wassmann P (2013). New Production Regulates Export Stoichiometry in the Ocean. PLOS ONE 8(1): e54027. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0054027
- Hunt GL Jr, Blanchard AL, Boveng P, Dalpadado P, Drinkwater K, Eisnere L, Hopcroft R, Kovacs KM, Norcross BL, Renaud PE, Reigstad M, Renner M, Skjoldal HR, Whitehouse A, Woodgate RA (2013). The Barents and Chukchi Seas: Comparison of two Arctic shelf ecosystems. Journal of Marine Systems 109-110: 43-68.
- Svensen C, Wexels Riser C, Reigstad M, Seuthe L (2012). Degradation of copepod faecal pellets in the upper layer: role of microbial community and Calanus finmarchicus (Gunnerus). MEPS. 462: 39-49
- Hodal H, Kristiansen S, Hop H, Falk Petersen S, Reigstad M (2012). Spring bloom dynamics in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard: Nutrients, phytoplankton, protozoans and primary production. Polar Biology 35:191-203. DOI 10.1007/s00300-011-1053-7
- Wassmann P, Reigstad M (2011). Future Arctic Ocean seasonal ice zones and implications for pelagic-benthic coupling. Oceanography 24: 220-231.
- Seuthe L, Töpper B, Reigstad M, Thyrhaug R, Vaquer-Suñer R (2011). Microbial communities and processes in ice-covered Arctic waters of the northwestern Fram Strait (75-80°N) during the vernal pre-bloom phase. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 64: 253-266. doi: 10.3354/ame01525
- Skardhamar J, Reigstad M, Carroll J, Eiane K, Wexels Riser C, Slagstad D (2011). Effects of mortality changes on biomass and production in Calanus populations. Aquatic Biology 12: 129-145.
- Reigstad M, Carroll J, Slagstad D, Ellingsen I, Wassmann P (2011). Intra-regional comparison of productivity, carbon flux and ecosystem composition within the northern Barents Sea. Prog. Oceanogr. 90: 33-46. doi:1016/j.pocean.2011.02.005
- Mauritzen, C., E. Hansen, M. Andersson, B. Berx, A. Beszczynska-Möller, I. Burud, K. Christensen, G. Dalsbø, J. Debernard, L. DeSteur, P. Dodd, S. Gerland, Ø. Godøy, B. Hansen, S. Hudson, F. Høydalsvik, R. Ingvaldsen P.E. Isachsen, Y. Kasajima, I. Koszalka, K. M. Kovacs, M. Køltzow, J. LaCasce, C. M. Lee, T. Lavergne, Christian Lydersen, M. Nicolaus, F. Nilsen, O.A. Nøst, K.A. Orvik, Reigstad, H. Schyberg, L. Seuthe, Ø. Skagseth, J. Skarðhamar, R. Skogseth, A. Sperrevik, C. Svensen, H. Søiland, S.H. Teigen, V. Tverberg, C. Wexels Riser (2011). Closing the Loop – Approaches to monitoring the state of the Arctic Mediterranean during the International Polar Year 2007-2008. Prog. Oceanogr. 90: 62-89.
- Kivimäe C, Bellerby RGJ, Fransson, A, Reigstad M, Johannesssen, T (2010). A carbon budget for the Barents Sea. Deep-Sea Research I 57:1532-1542. doi:10.1016/ j.dsr.2010.05.006.
- Vaquer-Suñer R, Duarte CM, Santiago R, Wassmann P, Reigstad M (2010). Experimental Evaluation of planktonic respiration response to warming in the European Arctic Sector. Polar Biol. 33(12): 1661-1671.
- Wexels Riser C, Reigstad M, Wassmann P (2010). Zooplankton mediated carbon export: a seasonal study in a northern Norwegian fjord. Marine Biology Research 6: 461-471.
- Tamelander T, Reigstad M, Ratkova T, Hop H (2009) Ice algal assemblages and vertical export of organic matter from sea ice in the Barents Sea and Nansen Basin (Arctic Ocean). Polar Biology 32: 1261-1273.
- Reigstad M, Wexels Riser C, Wassmann P, Ratkova TN (2008) Vertical export of particulate organic carbon: Attenuation, composition and loss rates in the northern Barents Sea. Deep-Sea Research II 55 (21-22): 2308-2319
- Wexels Riser C, Wassmann P, Reigstad M, Seuthe L (2008). Vertical flux regulation by zooplankton in the northern Barents Sea during Arctic spring. Deep-Sea Research II 55 (20-21): 2320-2329
- Pasternak A, Arashkevich E, Reigstad M, Wassmann P, Falk-Petersen S (2008). Dividing mesozooplankton into upper and lower size groups: applications to the grazing impact in the MIZ of the Barents Sea. Deep-Sea Research II 55 (20-21): 2245-2256
- Renaud PE, Morata N, Carroll ML, Denisenko SG, Reigstad M (2008). Pelagic-benthic coupling in the western Barents Sea: Processes and time scales. Deep-Sea Research II 55 (20-21): 2372-2380
- Tamelander T, Reigstad M, Hop H, Carroll M (2008). Pelagic and sympagic contribution of organic matter to zooplankton and vertical export in the Barents Sea marginal ice zone. Deep-Sea Research II 55 (20-21): 2330-2339
- Morozov A, Arashkevich E, Reigstad M, Falk-Petersen,S (2008). Influence of spatial heterogeneity on the type of zooplankton functional response: A study based on field observations. Deep Sea Research Part II 55 (20-21), 2285-2291.
- Pedersen T, Nilsen M, Nilssen EM, Berg E, Reigstad M (2008). Trophic model of a lightly exploited cod-dominated ecosystem. Ecological Modeling 214: 95-111.
- Reigstad M & Wassmann P (2007) Does Phaeocystis contribute significantly to vertical export of organic carbon? Biogeochemistry 83: 217-234
- Gasparovic B, Plavsic M, Boskovic N, Cosovic B. Reigstad M (2007) Organic matter characterization in Barents Sea and eastern Arctic Ocean during summer. Marine Chemistry 105: 151-165.
- Wexels Riser C, Reigstad M, Wassmann P, Arashkevich E, Falk-Petersen, S (2007). Export or retention? Copepod abundance, faecal pellet production and vertical flux in the marginal ice zone through snap shots from the northern Barents Sea. Polar Biology, 30: 719-730
- Olli K, Wassmann P, Reigstad M, Ratkova TN., Arashkevich E, Pasternak A, Matrai P, Knulst J, Tranvik L., Haarakalju R, Jakobsen A (2007). The fate of production in the central Arctic Ocean – top-down regulation by zooplankton expatriates? Progress in Oceanography, 72 (1), 84-113.
- Wassmann P, Reigstad M, Haug T, Rudels B., Carrol ML, Hop H, Gabrielsen GW, Falk-Petersen S, Denisenko SG, Arashkevich E, Slagstad D, Pavlova O (2006). Food webs and carbon flux in the Barents Sea. Progress in Oceanography, 71 (2-4), 232-287.
- Belviso S, Thouzeau G, Schmidt S, Reigstad M, Wassmann P, Arashkevich E, Stefels J (2006) Significance of vertical flux as a sink for surface water DMPS and as a source for the sediment surface in coastal zones of northern Europe. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 68: 473-488
- Sobek A, Reigstad M, Gustavsson Ö (2006). Partitioning of polychlorinated biphenyls between Arctic seawater and size-fractionated zooplankton. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 25(7): 1720-1728
- Wassmann P, Slagstad D, Wexels Riser C, Reigstad M (2006). Modelling the ecosystem dynamics of the marginal ice zone and central Barents Sea. II. Carbon flux and climate variability. Journal of Marine Systems 59: 1-24
- Reigstad M, Wexels Riser C, Svensen C (2005). Fate of copepod faecal pellets and the role of Oithona Mar Ecol Prog Ser 304: 265-270
- Wassmann P, Ratkova T, Reigstad M (2005). The contribution of single and colonial cells of Phaeocystis pouchetii to spring and summer blooms in the north-eastern North Atlantic. Harmful Algae 4(5): 823-840
- Gasparovic B, Plavcic M, Cosovic B, Reigstad M (2005). Organic matter characterization and fate in the subarctic Norwegian fjords during late spring/summer period. Estuarine Coast Shelf Science 62: 95-107
- Reigstad M, Wexels Riser C, Øygarden S, Wassmann P, Rey F (2002) Variation in hydrography, nutrients and chlorophyll a in the marginal ice zone and the central Barents Sea. Journal of Marine Systems 38: 9-29
- Hamm C, Reigstad M, Wexels Riser C, Mühlebach A, Wassmann P (2001). On the trophic fate of Phaeocystis pouchetii VIII: Differential sedimentation of diatom- and Phaeocystis-derived organic matter via krill fecal strings during a Phaeocystis bloom in the Balsfjord, Northern Norway. Marine Ecology Progress Series 209: 55-69
- Reigstad M, Wassmann P, Ratkova T, Arashkevich E, Pasternak A, Øygarden S (2000) Comparative spring vertical export of biogenic matter in north Norwegian fjords. Marine Ecology Progress Series 201: 73-89
- Wassmann P, Reigstad M, Øygarden S, Rey F (2000). Seasonal variation in hydrography, nutrients and suspended biomass in a subarctic fjord: applying hydrographic features and biological markers to trace water masses and circulation significant for phytoplankton production. Sarsia. 85: 237-249
- Lundsgaard C, Olesen M, Reigstad M, Olli K (1999). Sources of settling material: Aggregation and zooplankton mediated fluxes in the Gulf of Riga. Journal of Marine Systems 23: 197-210
- Reigstad M. Heiskanen A-S & Wassmann P (1999). Seasonal and spatial variation of suspended and sedimented nutrients (C, N, P) in the pelagic system of the Gulf of Riga. Journal of Marine Systems 23: 211-232
- Wassmann P. Egge JK, Reigstad M, Aksnes DL (1997). Influence of silicate addition on vertical flux of particulate biogenic matter. Marine Pollution Bullentin 33 (1-6): 10-21
- Reigstad M, Wassmann P (1996). Importance of advection for the pelagic -benthic coupling in north Norwegian fjords. Sarsia 80: 245-257
- Wassmann P, Svendsen H, Keck A, Reigstad M (1996). Selected aspects of the dynamics of particulate fluxes in the coastal zone of northern Norway. Journal of Marine Systems 8: 53-71
- Riebesell U, Reigstad M, Wassmann P, Noji T, Passow U (1995). On the trophic fate of Phaeocystis pouchetii (Hariot): VI. Significance of Phaeocystis-derived mucus for vertical flux. Netherland Journal of Sea Research 33(2): 193-203
Popular Science and outreach (some examples):
- Raske endringer i Arktis – påvirkning av plante- og dyreliv. Invited speaker. Norwegian Technological Academy of Sciences seminar, Tromsø, Norway, 2015.
- The Nansen Legacy project. Invited presentation, Norsk Havforskerforening, Tromsø, 2015
- Arven etter Nansen, T. Eldevik og M. Reigstad, kronikk, Bergens Tidende 01.04.2014.
- Marine ecology and Climate presentation for the Brazilian ambassador of Norway, 2014
- Smeltende havis gir større dyphavsdyr, EKKO, NRK radio, interview and discussion on sinking material in the Arctic Ocean. 20 mars 2013.
- Food from the Barents Sea: Basis for the rich fisheries and what about the future. Invited presentation for Davvin, the student environmental organisation, workshop, 2012
- Hav og vind bidrar til havisens forsvinning. Hansen E, Reigstad M, Dodd P (2010). Klima 3, 4-5.
- Framstredet tar tempen på Arktis. Reigstad M, Hansen E, Gerland S (2008). OTTAR 272: 3-11.