Tore Haug » Members
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Tore Haug
Researcher and research group leader (IMR)
Institute of Marine ResearchMarine mammals group
Work address Institute of Marine Research, Tromsø Post box 6404 Tromsø 9294 Norway
Work Phone: +47 95 28 42 96
Work Email:
Research interests:
- Questions related to management and conservation of whale and seal stocks in Norwegian and adjacent waters
- Distribution abundance productivity harvest potential and their role in the ecosystem
- Responsible for IMRs’ advice to Norwegian authorities on whale and seal stocks in Norwegian waters.
Running national and international projects:
IMR (Havforskningsinstituttet):
2005-: Forvaltning av ishavssel
2005-: Sjøpattedyrenes økologiske betydning
2005-: DNA-registeret vågekval
2010-: Fra plankton til sel (FRAM-prosjekt)
Completed national and international projects:
Research Council of Norway (Norges Forskningsråd):
- Responsible for the following projects:
- 1990-1994: ‘Ernæring og kondisjon hos grønlandssel i Barentshavet (Feeding and body condition in Barents Sea harp seals)’ (4001-2800.083)
- 1990-1994: ‘Ernæringsøkologi hos nordøst-atlantisk vågekval (Feeding ecolpogy of Northeast Atlantic minke whales’ (104499/110), including the research whaling under scientific permit.
- 1995-1997: ‘Grønlandsselens rolle i Barentshavets flerbestandssystem (The role of harp seals in the multspecies interactions of the Barents Sea)’ (108147/110).
- 1995-1997: ‘Metodeutvikling for overvåkning av vågekvalens matkonsum i Barentshavet (Development of methods to monitor the consumption by minke whales in the Bartnets Sea)’ (108146/110).
- 1997-2000:’Prey preferences in minke whales’ (113485/122).
- 1998-1999:’Prey selectivity and responses to changes in prey abundance of minke whales’ (121385/122).
- 2000-2002:’Ecological role of harp and hooded seals in the Nordic Seas’ (133646/122)
- 2001-2002:’Prediction models of the impact of minke whales and harp seals on fish stocks, postdoc Ulf Ove Lindstrøm (140554/120)’
- 2002:’Improving assessment and ecology research on harp and hooded seals, Guest scientist scholarship (146573/120)’
- 2014-2018: SI Arctic (nestleder)
Curriculum vitae: PDF
Selected publications (last 10 years):
- Stenson, G.B., Haug, T. & Hammill, M.O. 2020. Harp Seals: Monitors of Change in Differing Ecosystems. Frontiers in. Marine Science 7:569258. Doi:10.3389/fmars.2020.569258
- Gunnlaugsson, T., Vikingsson, G.A., Halldorsson, S.D., Elvarsson, B.Þ., Haug, T. & Lydersen, C. 2020. Body mass, muscle, blubber and visceral fat content and their seasonal, spatial and temporal variability in North Atlantic common minke whales. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 21: 59–70.
- Nilssen, K.T., Lindstrøm, U., Westgaard, J.I., Lindblom, L., Blencke, T.-R. & Haug, T. 2019. Diet and prey consumption of grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) in Norway. Marine Biology Research 15: 137-149. Doi: 10.1080/17451000.2019.1605182.
- Moore, S.E., Haug, T., Vikingsson, G.A.&d Stenson, G.B. 2019.Baleen whale ecology in arctic and subarctic seas in an era of rapid habitat alteration. Progress in Oceanography 176: 102118. 15 pp.
- Nakamura, G., Ryeng, K.A., Kadowaki, I., Hayashi, R., Nagatsuka, S., Hirose, A., Fujise, Y. and Haug, T. 2018. Comparisons of shapes of the white flipper patch between two subspecies of common minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata). Cetacean Population Studies 1: 15-24.
- Vacquié-Garcia, J., Lydersen, C., Biuw, M., Haug, T., Fedak, M.A. Kovacs, K.M. 2017. Hooded seal Cistophora cristata foraging areas in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean – investigated using three complementary methods. Plos One 12(12): e0187889.
- Enoksen, S., Haug, T., Lindstrøm, U. & Nilssen, K.T. 2017. Recent summer diet of hooded Cystophora cristata and harp Pagophilus groenlandicus seals in the drift ice of the Greenland Sea. Polar Biology 40: 931-937. Doi 10.1007/s00300-016-2002-2.
- Haug, T., Falk-Petersen, S., Greenacre, M., Hop, H., Lindstrøm, U., Meier, S., Nilssen, K.T. and Wold, A. 2017. Trophic level and fatty acids in harp seals compared with common minke whales in the Barents Sea. Marine Biology Research 13: 919-932.
- Haug, T., Bogstad, B., Chierici, M., Gjøsæter, H., Hallfredsson, E.H., Høines, Å.S., Hoel, A.H., Ingvaldsen, R.B., Jørgensen, L.L., Knutsen, T., Loeng, H., Naustvoll, L.-J., Røttingen, I. & Sunnanå, K. 2017. Future harvest of living resources in the Arctic Ocean of the Nordic and Barents Seas: A review of possibilities and constraints. Fisheries Research 188: 38-57.
- Solvang, H.K., Yanagihara, H., Øien, N. & Haug, T. 2017. Temporal and geographical variation in body condition of common minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata acutorostrata) in the Northeast Atlantic. Polar Biology 40: 667-683. Doi 10.1007/s00300-016-1992-0.
- Malde, K., Seliussen, B.B., Quintela, M., Dahle, G., Besnier, F., Skaug, H.J., Øien, N., Solvang, H.K., Haug, T., Skern-Mauritzen, Kanda, N., Pastene, L.A., Jonassen, I., & Glover, K.A. 2017. Whole genome resequencing reveals diagnostic markers for investigating global migration and hybridization between minke whale species. BMC Genomics 18: 76. Doi 10.1186/s12864-016-3416-5.
- Yamamura, M., Yangihara, H., Solvang, H.K., Øien, N. & Haug, T. 2016. Canonical correlation analysis for geographical and chronological responses. Procedia Computer Science 96: 1351-1360. Doi:10.1016/j.procs.2016.08.180.
- Meier, S. Falk-Petersen, S., Gade-Sørensen, L.A., Greenacre, M., Haug, T. & Lindstrøm, U. 2016. Fatty acids in common minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) blubber reflect the feeding area and food selection, but also high endogenous metabolism. Mar. Biol. Res. 12: 221-238.
- Bogstad, B., Gjøsæter, H., Haug, T. & Lindstrøm, U. 2015. A review of the battle for food in the Barents Sea: cod vs. marine mammals. Frontiers Ecol. Evol. 3, 29. doi:10.3389/fevo.2015.0029.
- Quintela, M., Skaug, H.J., Øien, N., Haug, T., Seliussen, B., Solvang, H.K., Pampoulie, C., Kanda, N., Pastene, L.A. & Glover, K. 2014. Investigating population genetic structure in a highly mobile marine organism: the minke whales Balaenoptera acutorostrata acutorostrata in the north east Atlantic. PLoS ONE 9(9): e108640. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0108640.
- Øigård, T.A., Haug, T. & Nilssen, K.T. 2014. From pup production to quotas: Current status of harp seals in the Greenland Sea. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 71: 537-545. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fst155
- Øigård, T.A., Haug, T. & Nilssen, K.T. 2014. Current status of hooded seals in the Greenland Sea. Victims of climate change and predation? Biol. Conserv. 172: 29-36.
- Øigård, T.A., Lindstrøm, U., Haug, T., Nilssen, K.T. & Smout, S. 2013. Functional relationship between harp seal body condition and available prey in the Barents Sea. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 484: 287-301. doi 10.3354/meps10272
- Nymo, I.H., Tryland, M., Frie, A.K., Haug, T., Foster, G., Rødven, R. & Godfroid, J. 2013. Age-dependent prevalence of anti-Brucella antibodies in hooded seals Cystophora cristata. Dis. Aquat. Org. 106: 187-196. Doi: 10.3354/dao02659
- Lindstrøm, U., Nilssen, K.T., Pettersen, L.M.S. & Haug, T. 2013. Harp seal foraging behaviour during summer around Svalbard in the northern Barents Sea: diet composition and the selection of prey. Polar Biol. 36: 305-320. doi 10.1007/s00300-012-1260-x
- Iversen, M., Aars, J., Haug, T., Alsos, I.G., Lydersen, C., Bachmann, L. & Kovacs, K.M. 2013. The diet of polar bears (Ursus maritimus) from Svalbard, Norway, inferred from scat analysis. Polar Biol. 36: 561-571. doi 10.1007/s00300-012-1284-2
- Glover, K.A., Kanda, N., Haug, T., Pastene, L.A., Øien, N., Seliussen, B.B., Sørvik, A.G.E. & Skaug, H.J. 2013. Hybrids between common and Antarctic minke whales are fertile and can back-cross. BMC Genetics 14: 25 (11 pp.). doi: 10.1186/1471-2156-14-25.
- Leclerc, L.-M.E., Lydersen, C., Haug, T., Bachmann, L., Fisk, A.T. & Kovacs, K.M.. 2012. A missing piece in the Arctic food web puzzle? Stomach contents of Greenland sharks sampled in Svalbard, Norway. Polar Biol. 35: 1197-1208. Doi 10.1007/s00300-012-1166-7.
- Torrissen, O., Glover, K.A., Haug, T., Misund, O.A., Skaug, H.J. & Kaiser, M. 2012. Good ethics or political and cultural censoring in science? ICES J. Mar. Sci. 69: 493-497.
- Frie, A.K., Haug, T. & Stenson, G. 2012. Long term trends in reproductive and demographic parameters of female Northwest Atlantic hooded seals (Cystophora cristata): Population responses to ecosystem change? Can. J. Zool. 90: 376-392.
- Glover, K.A., Haug, T., Øien, N., Walløe, L., Lindblom, L., Seliussen, B.B. & Skaug, H.J. 2011. The Norwegian minke whale DNA register: a data base monitoring commercial harvest and ttrade of whale products. Fish Fisher. 13: 313-332. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-2979.2011.00447.x
- Leclerc, L.-M., Lydersen, C., Haug, T., Glover, K.A., Fisk, A.T. & Kovacs, K.M. 2011. Greenland sharks (Somniosus microcephalus) scavenge offal from minke (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) whaling operations in Svalbard (Norway). Polar Res. 30, 7342, 4 pp. DOI: 10.342/polar.v30i0.7342.
- Labansen, A.L., Lydersen, C., Levermann, N., Haug, T. & Kovacs, K.M. 2011. Diet of ringed seals (Pusa hispida) from northeast Greenland. Polar Biol. 34: 227-234.
- Grahl-Nielsen, O., Haug, T., Lindstrøm, U. & Nilssen, K.T.. 2011. Fatty acids in harp seal blubber do not necessarily reflect their diet. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 426: 263-273.
- Johansen, C.E., Lydersen, C., Aspholm, P.E., Haug, T. & Kovacs, K.M. 2010. Helminth parasites in ringed seals (Pusa hispida) from Svalbard, Norway, with special emphasis on nematodes: variation with age, sex and location of host. J. Parasitol. 96: 946-953.
- Skoglund, E.G., Lydersen, C., Grahl-Nielsen, O., Haug, T. & Kovacs, K.M. 2010. Fatty acid composition of the blubber and dermis of adult male Atlantic walruses (Odobaenus rosmarus rosmarus) in Svalbard, and their potential prey. Mar. Biol. Res. 6: 239-250.
- Øigård, T.A., Haug, T., Nilssen, K.T. and Salberg, A.B. 2010. Estimation of pup production of harp and hooded seals in the Greenland Sea in 2007: Reducing uncertainty using generalized additive models. J. Northw. Atl. Fish. Sci. 42: 103-123.
- Nilssen, K.T., Skavberg, N.E., Poltermann, M., Haug, T., Härkönen, T. & Henriksen, G. 2010. Status of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in mainland Norway. NAMMCO Sci. Publ. 8:61-69.
- Mogren, H.-G., Lindstrøm, U., Nilssen, K.T. & Haug, T. 2010. Haulout behaviour of harbour seals during breeding and moult in Vesterålen, Norway. NAMMCO Sci. Publ. 8: 267-276.
- Glover, K., Kanda, N., Haug, T., Pastene, L.A., Øien, N., Goto, M., Seliussen, B.B. & Skaug, H.J. 2010. Migration of Antarctic minke whales to the Arctic. PLoS ONE: 5 (12) e15197: 1-6.
Selected other publications:
- Haug, T., Bjørge, A., Øien, N. & Ziryanov, S.V. 2011. 7. Marine mammals; 7.1 Marine mammals of the Barents Sea. Pp 395-430 in: Jakobsen, T. & Ozhigin, V.K. (eds). The Barents Sea; Ecosystem, resources, management; Half a century of Russian-Norwegian cooperation. Tapir Academic Press. 825 pp.
- Haug, T., Skern-Mauritzen, M. & Lindstrøm, U. 2011. 8. Trophic relationships; 8.5 Predation by marine mammals. Pp 485-494 in: Jakobsen, T. & Ozhigin, V.K. (eds). The Barents Sea; Ecosystem, resources, management; Half a century of Russian-Norwegian cooperation. Tapir Academic Press. 825 pp.
- Haug, T., Øien, N. & Golyak, I. 2011. 10. Research surveys; 10.5 Marine mammal surveys. Pp 595-603 in: Jakobsen, T. & Ozhigin, V.K. (eds). The Barents Sea; Ecosystem, resources, management; Half a century of Russian-Norwegian cooperation. Tapir Academic Press. 825 pp.
Popular science and outreach (last five years):
- Haug, T., Øien, N., Skaug, H.J. & Glover, K. 2015. DNA-register for vågehval: en skattekiste for studier av hvalbiologi. Pp. 108-109 i Bakketeig, I.E., Gjøsæter, H., Hauge, M., Sunnset, B.H. & Toft, K.Ø. (Eds.) Havforskningsrapporten 2015, Fisken og havet, Særnummer 1-2015. Havforskningsinstituttet, Bergen.
- Haug, T. & Øigård, T.A. 2015. Sel – Grønlandssel & Klappmyss. Pp. 186-187 i Bakketeig, I.E., Gjøsæter, H., Hauge, M., Sunnset, B.H. & Toft, K.Ø. (Eds.) Havforskningsrapporten 2015, Fisken og havet, Særnummer 1-2015. Havforskningsinstituttet, Bergen.
- Haug, T. & Øigård, T.A. 2016. Sel – Grønlandssel & Klappmyss. Pp. 174-175 i Bakketeig, I.E., Hauge, M., Kvamme, C., Sunnset, B.H. & Toft, K.Ø. (Eds.) Havforskningsrapporten 2016, Fisken og havet, Særnummer 1-2016. Havforskningsinstituttet, Bergen.
- Haug, T. 2017. Sel – Grønlandssel & Klappmyss. Pp. 66-67 i Bakketeig, I.E., Hauge, M. & Kvamme, C. (Eds.) Havforskningsrapporten 2017, Fisken og havet, Særnummer 1-2017. Havforskningsinstituttet, Bergen.
- Haug, T. 2017. Klappmyss. Store Norske Leksikon, Artikkel, 10.november 2017.
- Haug, T. 2017. Grønlandssel. Store Norske Leksikon, Artikkel, 19.desember 2017.
- Haug, T., Bogstad, B., Ingvaldsen, R., Knutsen, T. & Naustvoll, L.-J. 2017. Et varmere Arktis skaper trøbbel for de lokale artene., kronikk, 05.07.2017.
- Haug, T. 2018. Sel – Grønlandssel & Klappmyss. Pp. 38-39 i Huse, G. & Bakketeig, I.E. (Eds.) Ressursoversikten 2018, Fisken og havet, 6-2018. Havforskningsinstituttet, Bergen.
- Haug, T. 2018. Vågehval. Store Norske Leksikon, Artikkel, 11.juni 2018.
- Haug, T. 2018. Finnhval. Store Norske Leksikon, Artikkel, 29.juni 2018.
- Haug, T. 2018. Blåhval. Store Norske Leksikon, Artikkel, 30.juli 2018.
- Haug, T. 2018. Bardehvaler. Store Norske Leksikon, Artikkel, 30.juli 2018.
- Haug, T. 2018. Knølhval. Store Norske Leksikon, Artikkel, 28.september 2018.
- Haug, T. 2019. Spermhval. Store Norske Leksikon, Artikkel, 9.april 2019.
- Haug, T. 2019. Seihval. Store Norske Leksikon, Artikkel, 5.juli 2019.
- Haug, T. 2019. Grønlandshval. Store Norske Leksikon, Artikkel, 5.juli 2019.
- Haug, T. 2019. Havert. Store Norske Leksikon, Artikkel, 10.juli 2019.
Haug, T. 2019. Retthvaler. Store Norske Leksikon, Artikkel, 28.november 2019. - Haug, T. 2019. Nordkaper. Store Norske Leksikon, Artikkel, 28.november 2019.
- Haug, T. 2020. Brydehval. Store Norske Leksikon (, Artikkel, 20.mars 2020.
- Haug, T. 2020. Steinkobbe. Store Norske Leksikon (, Artikkel. 24.mars 2020.
- Haug, T. 2020. Grønlandssel. Store Norske Leksikon (, Artikkel. 25.mars 2020.
- Haug, T. 2020. Blueback. Store Norske Leksikon (, Artikkel. 25.mars 2020.
- Haug, T. 2020. Spekkhogger. Store Norske Leksikon (, Artikkel. 8.april 2020.
- Haug, T. 2020. Nise. Store Norske Leksikon (, Artikkel. 9.september 2020.
- Haug, T. 2020. Spermhvaler. Store Norske Leksikon (, Artikkel. 21.september 2020.
- Haug, T. 2020. Finnhvaler. Store Norske Leksikon (, Artikkel. 21.september 2020.
- Haug, T. 2020. Nebbhvaler. Store Norske Leksikon (, Artikkel. 21.september 2020.
- Haug, T. 2020. Nebbhval. Store Norske Leksikon (, Artikkel. 9.oktober 2020.
- Haug, T. and Kildebo, N. 2020. Niser. Store Norske Leksikon (, Artikkel. 8.april 2020.