
Here you can find a list of all ARCTOS members and PhD students. In the drop-down menu you can either select the member status or the institution the member belongs to.

Photo of Cheshtaa Chitkara

Cheshtaa Chitkara

PhD candidate

PhD project title: Diversity and functions of Arctic marine microbial eukaryotes in a climate change perspective.…Read More
UNIS – The University Centre in SvalbardArctic Biology Work address UNIS – The University Centre in Svalbard Post box 156 Longyearbyen 9171 Norway Work Phone: +47 79023300

PhD project title:

Diversity and functions of Arctic marine microbial eukaryotes in a climate change perspective.

PhD project description:

To study the diversity and gene expressions of certain genes of protists around Svalbard and at the IsA time series station in Isfjorden, by estimating the change in their diversity with respect to changing environmental conditions.

Start date: Aug 1, 2019
Planned submission date: Aug 1, 2023


Anna Vader (UNIS, Longyearbyen, Svalbard)
Tove M Gabrielsen (UiA, Kristiansand, Norway)

Scientific publications:

  1. Sen A., Himmler T., Hong W.L., Chitkara C., Lee R.W., Ferré B., Lepland A., Knies J. (2019) Atypical biological features of a new cold seep site on the Lofoten-Vesterålen continental margin (northern Norway). Scientific reports 9, article number 1762 (2019).
  2. Sen A., Chitkara C., Hong W.-L., Lepland A., Cochrane S., di Primio R., Brunstad H. (2019) Image based quantitative comparisons indicate heightened megabenthos diversity and abundance at a site of weak hydorcarbon seepage in the southwestern Barents Sea. PeerJ 7:e7398
Photo of Sabine Cochrane

Sabine Cochrane

Senior Scientist

Research interests:
  • Taxonomy
  • Marine ecology
  • Biodiversity
  • Polychaetes
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Akvaplan-nivaEcosystems Work address Akvaplan-niva AS Fram Centre Tromsø 9296 Norway Work Phone: +47 77 75 03 27 Cell Phone: +47 99 53 21 44 Website: Google Scholar

Research interests:

  • Taxonomy
  • Marine ecology
  • Biodiversity
  • Polychaetes
Photo of Estelle Coguiec

Estelle Coguiec

PhD candidate

PhD project title: Seasonality and activity of Arctic zooplankton.…Read More
UiT The Arctic University of NorwayArctic and Marine Biology Work address Department of Arctic and Marine Biology Faculty for Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tromsø 9037 Norway

PhD project title:

Seasonality and activity of Arctic zooplankton.

PhD project description:

My PhD will consist in identifying seasonal and diel zooplankton behaviour in Arctic and sub-Arctic waters. The first chapter of my PhD will be about the seasonal light response of Calanus finmarchicus in a high latitude fjord. This response is studied by recording individual behaviour of C. finmarchicus in the laboratory under natural light cycle every month. In parallel, I use acoustic methods to determine the migration behaviour of zooplankton.  The second chapter is a long time series of acoustic data from Rijpfjord, Svalbard.  The aim is to know how zooplankton’s vertical migration change seasonally and through the year in a known environment. To be able to predict those behaviour under climate change.  The third chapter as for purpose to use acoustic data from autonomous drifting observatories, to have a pan arctic image of zooplankton behaviour.

Start date: Nov 2018
Submission date: Oct 2022


Jørgen Berge (UiT, Tromsø, Norway)
Malin Daase (UiT, Tromsø, Norway)
Laura Hobbs (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK)


Photo of Helena Sofia Gomes Costa

Helena Sofia Gomes Costa

PhD candidate

PhD project title: The effects of pollutants and infectious disease on the health of the humpback whale.…Read More
Nord UniversityFaculty for Biosciences and Aquaculture Work address Faculty of Biosciences and Aquaculture Nord University Post box 1490 Bodø 8049 Norway

PhD project title:

The effects of pollutants and infectious disease on the health of the humpback whale.

PhD project description:

For my PhD I will be investigating which pathogens and pollutants the humpbacks whales of the Eastern North Atlantic population are exposed to, and studying the effects of this exposure on their health.

Start date: June 2021
Planned submission date: June 2024


Courtney A. Waugh (Nord University, Steinskjer, Norway)
Jorge Fernandes (Nord University, Bodø, Norway)
Susan Bengston Nash (Griffith University, Australia)

Scientific publications:

  1. Costa H, Klein J, Breines EM, Nollens HH, Matassa K, Garron M, Duignan PJ, Schmitt T, Goldstein T and Tryland M (2021) A Comparison of Parapoxviruses in North American Pinnipeds. Front. Vet. Sci. 8:653094. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2021.653094
Photo of Malin Daase

Malin Daase


Research interests:
  • Arctic marine ecology with particular interest in zooplankton ecology (population dynamics and life history adaptations of copepods)
  • Effects of variation in the physical environment on zooplankton distribution and life history traits
  • Sea ice biota
  • Behavioural patterns in zooplankton
  • Hydroacoustics.
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UiT The Arctic University of NorwayArctic and Marine Biology Work address Department of Arctic and Marine Biology Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tromsø 9037 Norway Work Phone: +47 77 64 68 82 Website: Google Scholar

Research interests:

  • Arctic marine ecology with particular interest in zooplankton ecology (population dynamics and life history adaptations of copepods)
  • Effects of variation in the physical environment on zooplankton distribution and life history traits
  • Sea ice biota
  • Behavioural patterns in zooplankton
  • Hydroacoustics.

Running national and international projects:

  • Deep Impact: The impact of artificial light on Arctic pelagic ecosystems during the polar night
  • CalAct: The impact of light and temperature on Calanus activity patterns in the Arctic
  • FADE Ice-free Arctic Ocean: Dead end or new opportunities for biodiversity and habitat expansion
  • IMOS Isfjorden Marine Observatory Svalbard

Completed national and international projects:

  • Arctic ABC/D/E
  • Glider- unmanned ocean exploration
  • Marine Night, 2013-2016, Research Council of Norway
  • COPPY: Fate of COPePod secondarY production in a changing Arctic
Photo of Salve Dahle

Salve Dahle

Project Director

Akvaplan-nivaDigital Solutions Work address Akvaplan-niva AS Fram Centre Tromsø 9296 Norway Work Phone: +47 77 75 03 20
No Photo Available

Gérald Darnis

Post-doctoral researcher

Photo of Raphaelle Descoteaux

Raphaelle Descoteaux

Post-doctoral researcher

Research interests:

  • Polar marine benthic and planktonic ecology
  • Meroplankton – early life stages
  • Biodiversity
  • Molecular methods
  • Citizen science and outreach
Current project: FACE-IT  Read More
UNIS – The University Centre in SvalbardDepartment of Arctic Biology Work address UNIS – The University Centre in Svalbard Post box 156 Longyearbyen 9171 Norway Website: ResearchGate Website: FACE-IT project website

Research interests:

  • Polar marine benthic and planktonic ecology
  • Meroplankton – early life stages
  • Biodiversity
  • Molecular methods
  • Citizen science and outreach

Current project: FACE-IT


Photo of Pedro Duarte

Pedro Duarte

Research scientist

Research interests:
  • Marine Ecology
  • with emphasis on mathematical modeling of the Arctic marine ecosystem
  • using coupled physical-biogeochemical models for the sea and sea ice.
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Norwegian Polar InstituteResearch department: ecotoxicology Work address Norwegian Polar Institute Fram Centre Tromsø 9296 Norway Work Phone: +47 77 75 06 42 Website: ResearchGate

Research interests:

  • Marine Ecology
  • with emphasis on mathematical modeling of the Arctic marine ecosystem
  • using coupled physical-biogeochemical models for the sea and sea ice.

Running national and international projects:

  • 2016    TW-ICE: TideWater-ICE, Situation: Ongoing, Scope: Norwegian, Role: Investigator, Financing: Norwegian Polar Institute – ICE centre
  • 2015    TIGRIF: TIdewater Glacier Retreat Impact on Fjord circulation and ecosystems, Researcher project – HAVKYST, Situation: Ongoing, Scope: Norwegian, Role: Investigator, Financing: Norwegian Research Council
  • 2015    Ice-algal and under-ice phytoplankton bloom dynamics in a changing Arctic icescape. Researcher project – OKOSYSTEM, Situation: Ongoing, Scope: Norwegian, Role: Investigator, Financing: Norwegian Research Council
  • 2015    Ecosystem effects of Ocean Acidification in Northern waters (ECOAN),    Situation: Ongoing, Scope: Norwegian, Role: Investigator, Financing: Fram Centre
  • 2015    Norwegian Young Sea Ice Cruise (N-ICE2015), Situation: Ongoing, Scope: Norwegian, Role: Coordinator of the biological workpackage, Financing: Norwegian Polar Institute – ICE center
  • 2014    Ecosystem modelling of the Arctic Ocean around Svalbard, Situation: Ongoing, Scope: Norwegian, Role: Principal Investigator, Financing: Fram Centre

Completed national and international projects:

  • 2013    Coupling different modelling platforms: an activity across Fram Centre Flagships, Situation: Concluded, Scope: Norwegian, Role: Principal Investigator, Financing: Fram Centre
  • 2011-2014    Seamount benthic primary production: a new hypothesis to explain abundance and biodiversity over shallow seamounts (GreenMount), Reference: PTDC/MAR/111011/2009, Situation: Concluded, Scope: Portuguese, Role: Principal Investigator.
  • 2011-2014    Effects of ocean climate on the macroecology and resilience to disturbances of kelp beds – OCEANKELP, Reference: PTDC/MAR/109954/2009,     Situation: Concluded, Scope: Portuguese, Role: Researcher
  • 2010-2013    PHYSIOGRAPHY- Physiological stress of intertidal fucoids related to their biogeography: implications under new climate scenarios, Reference: PTDC/MAR/105147/2008, Situation: Concluded, Scope: Portuguese, Role: Researcher
  • 2010 – 2012    Landscape genetics of a coastal lagoon; an empirical and modeling approach using the seagrass Zostera noltii in Ria Formosa, Reference: PTDC/MAR/099887/2008, Situation: Concluded, Scope: Portuguese, Role: Researcher
  • 2004 – 2008    ABSES – Simulação de Sistemas Ecológicos Baseada em Agentes (ABSES – Agent based simulation of ecological systems), Reference: POSC/EIA/57671/2004, Situation: Concluded, Scope: Portuguese, Role: Researcher
  • 2003 – 2006    ECODOURO – Modelling the effect of freshwater reduction and pulse discharge on the water dynamics and processes of the Crestuma Reservoir,  Reference: POCTI/MGS/45533/2002, Situation: Concluded, Scope: Portuguese,   Role: Researcher.
  • 2003 – 2006    DITTY – Development of an Information Technology Tool for the Management of European Coastal Lagoons, Reference: EVK3-CT-2002-00084, Situation: Concluded, Scope: European, Role: Researcher/Leadership role of the Portuguese participation
  • 1999 – 2002    Carrying capacity assessment and impact of aquaculture in Chinese bays, Reference: contract nº: ERB IC18 – CT98, Situation: Concluded, Scope: European+China, Role: Researcher
  • 1998 – 2000    Mathematical model oriented management of bivalve cultivation in Ria Formosa, Reference: ICN, Situation: Concluded, Scope: Portuguese, Role: Principal Investigator
  • 1997 – 2000    Numerical simulation of climate variability of the Azores Front/Current system. Impact on primary productivity, Reference: 3/3.2/EMG/1956/95, Situation: Concluded, Scope: Portuguese, Role: Researcher.
  • 1996 – 1999    ECOTEJO98 – Development of a sub model for “Cala do Norte” in the Tagus estuary, Reference: JNICT/DRARN-LVT/IPIMAR/Solvay, Situation: Concluded, Scope: Portuguese, Role: Researcher.
  • 1996 – 1999    Development of a model for coastal lagoon management,  Reference: PBICT/MAR/2245/95, Situation: Concluded, Scope: Portuguese, Role: Principal Investigator.
  • 1993 – 1996    Development of an ecological model for the Tagus estuary,  Reference: JNICT PMCT, Situation: Concluded, Scope: Portuguese, Role: Technician
  • 1994 – 1995    Trophic Capacity of Coastal Zones for Culture of Oysters, Mussels and Cockles, Reference: CEE: CON-AIR32219, Situation: Concluded, Scope: European, Role: Researcher
  • 1992 – 1995    MARE – Microalgae in the Adriatic Region, Reference: CEE: ENVIRONMENT EV5V-CT92-021, Situation: Concluded, Scope: European, Role: Researcher
  • 1991 – 1994    Development of an Ecological Model for Mollusc Rearing Areas in Ireland and Greece, Reference: CEE: FAR AQ2516, Situation: Concluded, Scope: European, Role: Researcher
Photo of Kathy Dunlop

Kathy Dunlop


Biography Research interests:
  • Benthic Fjord Ecology
  • Scavenging Ecology
  • Aquaculture Environmental Interactions
  • Deep-Sea Benthic-Pelagic Coupling
  • Imaging and Acoustic Technology
  • Food-Web Modelling
  • Image Analysis
  • Flume and benthic incubation experiments
  • Field logistics.
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Institute of Marine ResearchBenthic Resources and Processes Work address Institute of Marine Research Fram Centre Hjalmar Johansens gate 14 Tromsø 9007 Norway Website: Institute of Marine Research – website Website: Google Scholar


Research interests:

  • Benthic Fjord Ecology
  • Scavenging Ecology
  • Aquaculture Environmental Interactions
  • Deep-Sea Benthic-Pelagic Coupling
  • Imaging and Acoustic Technology
  • Food-Web Modelling
  • Image Analysis
  • Flume and benthic incubation experiments
  • Field logistics.

Current projects:

  • JellyFarm. Assessing the combined effects of multiple organic stressors from jellyfish blooms and aquaculture operations on seafloor ecosystems (leader: Paul Renaud).
  • Fram Centre Fjord and Coast Flagship, Norway. Examining the role of Fish-Falls on ecosystem processes in a highly exploited fjord System (leader: Paul Renaud).

Completed projects:

  • 2013-2015 David and Lucile Packard Foundation, USA. Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship. Pelagic-Benthic Coupling
  • 2011-2012 British Antarctic Survey, UK. The impact of iceberg scouring on scavenging communities; An assessment using a baited underwater camera system.
  • 2011 Association of European Marine Biological Laboratories, Tjärno, Sweden. Multidisciplinary approach to marine biodiversity assessment (acoustics and baited camera systems).
  • 2010 Association of European Marine Biological Laboratories, Eilat, Israel. Baited camera techniques for the assessment of marine biodiversity and resources.
  • 2010 – 2012 Marine Scotland, Scottish Government. Development of methods for surveying nearshore fish populations. Role: Doctorate Student.

Popular science and outreach: