Antonia Klöcker » Members
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Antonia Klöcker
PhD project title:
Sharks on the Move – Understanding movement behaviour and space-use in migratory sharks to inform ecosystem-based management under global change.
PhD project description:
The main objective of my PhD project is to understand the drivers and dynamics of migratory sharks’ movement, their spatial distribution in Norwegian waters, and how anthropogenic stressors might affect such dynamics. I combine distributional data, environmental layers and satellite tracking to model the present and projected distributions of three shark species in Norway, namely the basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus), porbeagle (Lamna nasus) and spurdog (Squalus acanthias). The project will combine these outputs with the spatio-temporal distributions of human activities such as fisheries to provide a holistic view of how these activities overlap with shark habitats and space-use. Thereby, this work will not only increase our understanding of the species migration behaviour and habitat at the northern edge of their distribution, but also provide pivotal information to spatial management to reduce conflicts and implement efficient conservation measures for these compelling and threatened aquatic living resources.
Start date: February 1, 2022
Planned submission date: January 31, 2025
Claudia Junge (IMR, Tromsø, Norway)
Mikko Vihtakari (IMR, Tromsø, Norway)
Nuno Queiroz (CIBIO/University of Porto, Portugal)
Øystein Ole Gahr Langangen (UiO, Oslo, Norway)
Scientific publications:
- Rölfer L, Liconti A, Prinz N, Klöcker CA 2021. Integrated research for integrated ocean management. Front. Mar. Sci.
- Koch MA, Möbus J, Klöcker CA, Lippert S, Ruppert L, Kiefer C 2020. The quaternary evolutionary history of Bristol rock cress (Arabus scabra, Brassicaceae), a Mediterranean element with an outpost in the north-western Atlantic region. Annals of Botany 126:1, 103-118.
- Work related to the Citizen Science platform “Dugnad for Havet” (
Policy briefs: