Benjamin Planque » Members
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Benjamin Planque
Research interests:
- fish ecology
- climate impact on marine populations
- fish stock assessment modelling
- spatial ecology
- foodweb modelling
- marine ecosystem resilience
- mesopelagic ecosystems.
International, national and institutional involvement:
I have been a member of GLOBEC (Global Ocean Ecosystem dynamics) Focus 1 Working Group on retrospective analysis and time series studies and I was involved in the GLOBEC-SPACC initiative (Small Pelagics and Climate Change).
I have been a member and chair of several expert groups at the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). I am currently co-chairing the Working Group on International Deep Pelagic Surveys (WIDEEPS) and member of the Arctic Fisheries Working Group (AFWG).
I have been a member of the Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science (SAHFOS, UK) board of directors (2001-2005) and a member of the council as sponsoring governor of the foundation on behalf of fremer (2006-2007).
I have participated in the EU-projects TASC, SAP, UNCOVER, RECLAIM and DEEPFISHMAN.
I have been part of the Marine Ecology Progress Series board of review editors (1998-2005) and was associate editor for Fisheries Oceanography (2007-2010). I have refereed more than 250 manuscripts and proposals.
Selected publications:
- Siegelman-Charbit, L., and Planque, B. (2016). Abundant mesopelagic fauna at oceanic high latitudes. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 546: 277-282.
- Planque, B., U. Lindstrøm, and Subbey, S. 2014. Non-deterministic modelling of food-web dynamics. PLoS ONE, 9:e108243.
- Planque, B., R. Primicerio, K. Michalsen, et al. 2014. Who eats whom in the Barents Sea: a foodweb topology from plankton to whales. Ecology, 95:1430.
- Planque, B., Bellier, E., and Loots, C. 2011. Uncertainties in projecting spatial distributions of marine populations. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 68: 1045-1050.
- Planque, B., Loots, C., Lindstrøm, U., Petitgas, P., Vaz, S., 2011. Understanding what controls the spatial distribution of fish populations using a multi-model approach. Fisheries Oceanography, 20, 1-17.
- Planque, B., Fromentin, J.-M., Cury, P., Drinkwater, K.F., Jennings, S., Perry, R.I. and Kifani, S. 2010 How does fishing alter marine populations and ecosystems sensitivity to climate? Journal of Marine Systems, 79, 403-417
Citation profile: Number of publications: 56. Citations: 3192. H-index: 28 (source ISI Web of knowledge, August 2017)