Camilla Svensen » Members
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Camilla Svensen
UiT The Arctic University of NorwayArctic and Marine Biology
Work address Department of Arctic and Marine Biology Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tromsø 9037 Norway
Work Phone: +47 77 64 45 32
Work Email:
Website: Arctic Marine System Ecology research group at UiT
Research interests:
- Arctic marine zooplankton ecology
- The biological pump and regulation processes
- Structure and function of marine planktonic ecosystems
- Regenerated production and the role of zooplankton
- Linking copepods and microbial food webs
- Life history strategies of small-sized and understudied copepod taxa including winter-ecology, feeding and reproduction.
Running national and international projects:
- ECOTIP: Arctic biodiversity change and its consequences: Assessing, monitoring and predicting the effects of ecosystem tipping cascades on marine ecosystem services and dependent human systems. ERC HORIZON-2020 (grant agreement no 869383), 2020-2024,
- EvoCal: Arctic marine evolution: using local adaptation to infer future evolutionary responses of Calanus copepods to a changing environment (RCN), 2020-2023
- Nansen Legacy. Task leader, RCN (276730), 2018-2023
Completed national and international projects:
- FILAMO: Connecting Field work and Laboratory experiments to numerical Modeling in a changing marine environment. Collaborator, RCN (RCN 261636), 2017-2020
- ArtAktiv – Studentaktiv læring av marine arter gjennom bruk av ny teknologi, UiT RESULT pedagogiske utviklingsmidler, 2017-2018
- MICROSNOW: Marine snow, pelagic-benthic coupling and the impact of the harpacticoid copepod Microsetella norvegica, and other agents in a high-latitude fjord. Principal investigator, Fram Centre Fjord and Coast Flagship, 2017-2018.
- CARBONBRIDGE: Bridging marine productivity regimes: How Atlantic advective inflow affects productivity, carbon cycling and export in a melting Arctic Ocean. Funded by RCN, 2013-2016 (PIs Marit Reigstad/P. Wassmann, UiT)
- MicroPolar[μP]: Processes and Players in Arctic Marine Pelagic Food Webs -Biogeochemistry, Environment and Climate Change, NFR 2013-2017 (PIs: A. Larsen, G. Bratbak, UiB)
- Vertical flux regulation and food web dynamics at lover trophic levels (CONFLUX) 2010-2013, Tromsø Forskningsstiftelse (PI: M.Reigstad/P. Wassmann, UiT)
- iAOOS-Norway, closing the loop NFR (IPY) 2010-2013 (PI: C. Mauritzen)
Relevant scientific publications:
- Barth-Jensen C, Koski M, Varpe Ø, Glad P, Wangensteen OS, Præbel K, Svensen C. (2020). Temperature-dependent egg production and egg hatching rates of small egg-carrying and broadcast-spawning copepods Oithona similis, Microsetella norvegica and Microcalanus pusillus. Journal of Plankton Research 42(5): 564-580, doi:10.1093/plankt/fbaa039
- Vernet M, Carstensen J, Reigstad M, Svensen C. (2020) Editorial: Carbon Bridge to the Arctic. Frontiers in Marine science 7, DOI:3389/fmars.2020.00204
- Wiedmann I, Ceballos-Romero E, Villa-Alfageme M, Renner AHH, Dybwad C, van der Jagt H, Svensen C, Assmy, P, Wiktor JM, Tatarek A, Rózańaka-Pluta M, Iversen MH. (2020) Arctic observations identify phytoplankton community composition as driver of carbon flux attenuation. Geophysical research letters 47, e2020GL087465,
- Michelsen HK, Nilssen, EM, Pedersen T, Svensen C. (2020) Temporal and spatial dynamics of the invasive Red King Crab zoea and co-existing native decapods in Norwegian waters. Aquatic Biology 29: 1-16, DOI:
- Svensen, C, Halvorsen E, Vernet, M, Franzè G, Dmoch K, Lavrentyev PJ, Kwasniewski S. (2019) Zooplankton communities associated with new and regenerated primary production in the Atlantic inflow north of Svalbard. Frontiers in Marine science Vol 6, article 293,
- Svensen C, Antonsen M, Reigstad M. (2018) Small copepods matter: Population dynamics of Microsetella norvegica in a high-latitude coastal ecosystem. J. Plankton Res. 40(4):446-457,
- Kubiszyn A, Svensen C. (2018) First record of a rare species Polyasterias problematica (Prasinophyceae) in Balsfjord, northern Norway. Botanica marina 61(4):421-428,
- Svensen C, Antonsen M, Reigstad M. (2018) Small copepods matter: Population dynamics of Microsetella norvegica in a high-latitude coastal ecosystem. JPR 40(4):446-457
- Thor P, Bailey A, Dupont S, Calosi P, Søreide JE, De Wit P, Guscelli E, Loubet-Sartrou L, Deichmann IM, Candee MM, Svensen C, King A, Bellerby RGJ. (2018) Contrasting physiological responses to future ocean acidification among Arctic copepod populations. Global Change Biology 24 (1): E365-E377, doi: 10.1111/gcb.1387
- Choquet M, Haltebakk M, Dhanasiri A, Kosobokova K, Smolina I, Søreide JE, Svensen C, Melle W, Kwasniewski S, Eiane K, Daase M, Tveberg V, Skreslet S, Bucklin A, Hoarau G. (2017) Genetics redraws pelagic biogeography of Calanus. Biology letters 13 (12): Article Number: 20170588, DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2017.0588
- Kling Michelsen H, Pedersen T, Nilssen EM, Reigstad M, Svensen C. (2017) Spatial patterns of spring meroplankton along environmental gradients in a sub-Arctic fjord. Aquat Biol 26: 185-197,
- Kling Michelsen H, Svensen C, Reigstad M, Nilssen EM, Pedersen T. (2017) Seasonal dynamics of meroplankton in a high-latitude fjord. J Mar Systems, 168: 17-30
- Svensen C, Vernet M. (2016) Production of dissolved organic carbon by Oithona nana grazing on two species of dinoflagellates. Mar Biol 163:237
- Svensen C, Morata N, Reigstad M. (2014) Increased degradation of copepod faecal pellets by co-acting dinoflagellates and Centropages. MEPS 516:61-70
- Zervoudaki S, Frangoulis C, Svensen C, Christou ED, Arashkevich EG, Ratkova TN, Varkitzi I, Krasakopoulou E, Pagou K. (2013) Vertical carbon flux of biogenic matter in a coastal area of the Aegean Sea: Importance of appendicularians. Estuaries and Coasts
- Aubert A, Svensen C, Hessen DO, Tamelander T (2012). CNP stoichiometry of a lipid-synthesising zooplankton, Calanus finmarchicus, from winter to spring bloom in a sub-Arctic sound, J Mar Syst,
- Svensen C, Wexels Riser C, Reigstad M. (2012). Degradation of copepod faecal pellets: The role of small sized, < 180 µm, plankton and Calanus finmarchicus. MEPS 462: 39-49
- Svensen C, Seuthe L, Vasilyeva Y, Pasternak A, Hansen E. Zooplankton community across Fram Strait in autumn: are small copepods and protozooplankton important? (2011) Progress in Oceanography, 91: 534-544
- Mauritzen, C., E. Hansen, M. Andersson, B. et al. (2011). Closing the loop – Approaches to monitoring the state of the Arctic Mediterranean during the International Polar Year 2007–2008. Prog. Oceanogr. 90: 62-89
- Sopanen S, Uronen P, Kuuppo P, Svensen C, Rühl A, Tamminen T, Granéli E, Legrand C (2009). Transfer of nodularin to the copepod Eurytemora affinis through the microbial food web. AME. 55: 115-130
- Svensen C, Wexels Riser C, Cetinic I, Caric M. (2008). Vertical flux regulation and plankton composition in a simple ecological system: snapshots from the small marine Lake Rogoznica (Croatia). Acta Adriat. 49(1): 37-51
- Hagström JA, Granéli E, Maneiro I, Barreiro A, Petermann A, Svensen C. (2007). Release and degradation of amnesic shellfish poison from decaying Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries in presence of bacteria and organic matter. Harmful Algae 6: 175-188
- Svensen C, Vilicic D, Wassmann P, Arashkevich E, Ratkova T. (2007) Plankton community and vertical flux of biogenic matter in the highly stratified Krka Estuary (Eastern Adriatic). Est Coast Shelf Science 71: 381-390
- Doucette G, Maneiro I, Riveiro I, Svensen C. (2006). Phycotoxin pathways in aquatic food webs: transfer, accumulation and degradation. In: Granéli E., Turner J. (eds.). Ecology of Harmful Algae. Ecological studies, Vol 189. Springer Verlag
- Reigstad M, Wexels Riser C, Svensen C. (2005) The fate of copepod faecal pellets and the role of Oithona. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 304: 265-270
- Svensen C, Strogyloudi E, Wexels Riser C, Dahlmann J, Legrand C, Wassmann P, Granéli E, Pagou P. (2005) Reduction of cyanobacterial toxins through coprophagy in Mytilus edulis. Harmful Algae 4 (2): 329-336
- Svensen C, Nejstgaard JC. (2003) Is sedimentation of copepod faecal pellets determined by cyclopoids? Evidence from enclosed ecosystems. J. Plankton Res. 25:917-926
- Wassmann P, Olli K, Wexels Riser C, Svensen C. (2003) Ecosystem function, biodiversity and vertical flux regulation in the twilight zone. In: Wefer, G., Lamy, F., Mantoura, F. (eds.). Marine Science Frontiers for Europe, Springer Verlag. Berlin, New York
- Svensen, C. (2002) Eutrophication and vertical flux: a critical evaluation of silicate addition. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 240: 21-26
- Svensen C, Egge JK, Nejstgaard JC, Wassmann P (2002) Pulsing versus constant supply of nutrients (N, P and Si): effect on phytoplankton, mesozooplankton and vertical flux of biogenic matter. Sci. Mar. 66(3): 189-203
- Svensen C, Egge JK, Stiansen JE. (2001) Can silicate and turbulence regulate the vertical flux of biogenic matter? A mesocosm study. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 217:67-80
- Svensen C, Kiørboe T (2000) Remote prey detection in Oithona similis: hydromechanical vs. chemical cues. J.Plankton Res. 22/6: 1155-1166
- Svensen C, Tande K (1999) Female dimorphism and sex change in Calanus finmarchicus. Mar Ecol Prog Ser. 176:93-102
Popular science and outreach:
- Halvorsen E, Svensen C. (2018) Zooplankton in a changing Arctic: on the edge of expansion or extinction? Contribution to popular scientific book “On the Edge”, Orkana Forlag, editor P. Wassmann
- Svensen C (2014) Isbryter. Contribution to anthology “Isfritt”, Spartacus forlag (in Norwegian)
- Reigstad M, Svensen C (2003) Små prosesser med stor betydning: Karbonets vei gjennom det marine økosystemet. Naturen 5: 194-201 (in Norwegian)
- 2017 Blogging for (from Nansen Legacy first cruise)
- 2017 Ocean Seminar for artists, Røst Air-artist residence. Invited lecture on Plankton.
- 2016 Science days (Forskningsdagene), Tromsø. Outreach stand with theme “Visible and invisible borders” Award for best stand
- 2016 Panel debate with artists in “Thinking at the Edge of the World”, a cross-disciplinary conference at Svalbard 12-13 June 2016. Invited by Office for Contemporary Art Norway (OCA) and the Northern Norway Art museum (NNKM)
- 2015 Featured in NRK production “Schrødingers katt” during fieldwork at Svalbard, 45 min programme broadcasted in National television NRK
- 2013-2014 Blogging for (English equivalent to “”)
- 2012 Blogging for Norwegian science outreach blog (in Norwegian)
- 2011 PolArt, communicating science through art, an ARCTOS outreach activity. Member of jury selecting artists for scientific cruises and the subsequent exhibition in art gallery.
- 2010 Lecturing for high-school classes at University of Tromsø,
- 2010 “Researchers marathon” – lecturing on plankton in marine ecosystems for the general public. Arrangement within “Forskningsdagene”, Tromsø
- 2010 Marine biology teaching for kinder garden and elementary school, Tromsø