Cheshtaa Chitkara » Members
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Cheshtaa Chitkara
PhD project title:
Diversity and functions of Arctic marine microbial eukaryotes in a climate change perspective.
PhD project description:
To study the diversity and gene expressions of certain genes of protists around Svalbard and at the IsA time series station in Isfjorden, by estimating the change in their diversity with respect to changing environmental conditions.
Start date: Aug 1, 2019
Planned submission date: Aug 1, 2023
Anna Vader (UNIS, Longyearbyen, Svalbard)
Tove M Gabrielsen (UiA, Kristiansand, Norway)
Scientific publications:
- Sen A., Himmler T., Hong W.L., Chitkara C., Lee R.W., Ferré B., Lepland A., Knies J. (2019) Atypical biological features of a new cold seep site on the Lofoten-Vesterålen continental margin (northern Norway). Scientific reports 9, article number 1762 (2019).
- Sen A., Chitkara C., Hong W.-L., Lepland A., Cochrane S., di Primio R., Brunstad H. (2019) Image based quantitative comparisons indicate heightened megabenthos diversity and abundance at a site of weak hydorcarbon seepage in the southwestern Barents Sea. PeerJ 7:e7398