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Jofried Skardhamar
Institute of Marine ResearchOceanography and Climate
Work address Institute of Marine Research Tromsø Devision Postbox 6404 Tromsø 9294 Norway
Work Phone: +47 92 61 98 04
Work Email:
Research interests:
- Physical oceanography
- Coasts and fjords (Norway, Svalbard, Barents Sea)
- Numerical modeling
- Coupling between oceanography and biology (plankton, benthos, salmonids, seabirds)
Running national and international projects:
- Nordlus: Spatiotemporal distribution of salmon lice in Northern Norwegian fjords, managed by IMR. Funded by NFR through RFFNORD 2015-2018
- RegLice: Regional lice assessment – towards a model based management system, managed by IMR. Funded by NFR 2015-2018
- ModOIE: Mesoscale modeling of Ice, Ocean and Ecology of the Arctic Ocean, managed by Akvaplan-niva. Funded by Fram centre 2012-2016
- KongHiro: Effects of oceanic inflow and glacial runoff on fjord circulation in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard; establishment of a high resolution ocean circulation model system. Managed by NPI, funded by Fram Centre 2014-2016
- TIGRIF: TIdewater Glacier Retreat Impact on Fjord circulation and ecosystems. Managed by NPI. Funded by NFR 2015-2018
Relevant scientific publications:
- Sandvik H, RT Barrett, KE Erikstad, MS Myksvoll, F Vikebø, NG. Yoccoz, T Anker‑Nilssen, SH Lorentsen, TK Reiertsen, J Skarðhamar, M Skern-Mauritzen, GH Systad 2016: Modelled drift patterns of fish larvae link coastal morphology to seabird colony distribution. Nature Communications 7:11599. doi:10.1038/ncomms11599
- Skarðhamar J, Ø Skagseth, J Albretsen: Diurnal tides on the Barents Sea continental slope 2015. Deep Sea Research 97, 40–51. doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2014.11.008
- Bøe R, J Skarðhamar, L Rise, MFJ Dolan, VK Bellec, M Winsborrow, Ø Skagseth, J Knies, EL King, O Walderhaug, S Chand, S Buenz, J Mienert 2015: Sandwaves and sand transport on the Barents Sea continental slope offshore northern Norway. Marine and Petroleum Geology 60, 34-53.
- King EL, R Bøe, VK Bellec, L Rise, J Skarðhamar, B Ferré, M Dolan 2014: Contour current driven continental slope-situated sandwaves with effects from secondary current processes on the Barents Sea margin offshore Norway. Marine Geology 353, 108-127.
- Davidsen J, AH Rikardsen, EB Thorstad, E Halttunen, H Mitamura, K Præbel, J Skarðhamar, TF Næsje 2013: Homing behaviour of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) during final phase of marine migration and river entry. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70, 794-802.
- Myksvoll M, AD Sandvik, J Skarðhamar, S Sundby 2012: Importance of high resolution wind forcing on simulation of dispersion and eddy activity in a Norwegian fjord. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 113, 293-304.
- Weslawski JM, M Kedra, J Przytarska, L Kotwici, I Ellingsen, J Skardhamar, P Renaud, I Goszczko 2012: A huge biocatalytic filter in the centre of the Barents Sea shelf? Oceanologia 54 (2), 325-335.
- Skarðhamar J, M Reigstad, J Carroll, K Eiane, C Wexels Riser, D Slagstad 2011: Effects of mortality changes on biomass and production in Calanus spp. populations. Aquatic Biology 12: 129-145.
- Mauritzen C, E Hansen, M Andersson, B Berx, A Beszczynska-Möller, I Burud, K Christensen, G Dalsbø, J Debernard, L DeSteur, P Dodd, S Gerland, Ø Godøy, B Hansen, S Hudson, F Høydalsvik, R Ingvaldsen, PE Isachsen, Y Kasajima, I Koszalka, KM Kovacs, M Køltzow, J LaCasce, CM Lee, T Lavergne, C Lydersen, M Nicolaus, F Nilsen, OA Nøst, KA Orvik, M Reigstad, H Schyberg, L Seuthe, Ø Skagseth, J Skarðhamar, R Skogseth, A Sperrevik, C Svensen, H Søiland, SH Teigen, V Tverberg, C Wexels Riser 2011: Closing the Loop – Approaches to monitoring the state of the Arctic Mediterranean during the International Polar Year 2007-2008. Prog. Oceanography 90: 62-89.
- Chittenden CM, AH Rikardsen, OT Skilbrei, JG Davidsen, E Halttunen, J Skarðhamar, RS McKinley 2011. An effective method for the recapture of escaped farmed salmon. Aquaculture Environment Interactions 1:215-224.
- Skarðhamar J, H Svendsen 2010: Short-term hydrographic variability in a stratified Arctic fjord. In: Howe, J.A., W.E.N. Austen, M. Forwick & M. Paetzel (eds.) Fjord Systems and Archives. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 344, 51-60.
- Cottier FR, F Nilsen, R Skogseth, V Tverberg, J Skarðhamar, H Svendsen 2010: Arctic fjords: a review of the oceanographic environment and dominant physical processes. In: Howe, J.A., W.E.N. Austen, M. Forwick & M. Paetzel (eds.) Fjord Systems and Archives. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 344, 35-50.
- Davidsen JG, AH Rikardsen, E Halttunen, EB Thorstad, F Økland, BH Letcher, J Skarðhamar, TF Næsje 2009: Migratory behaviour and survival rates of wild northern Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) postsmolts: effects of environmental factors. Journal of Fish Biology 75, 1700-1718.
- Ambrose WG, PE Renaud, S Cochrane, SG Denisenko, J Skarðhamar 2009: Polychaete diversity on two Arctic shelves: impacts of ice and primary productivity. Zoosymposia 2, 457. -485.
- Cochrane, S., S.G. Denisenko, P.E. Renaud, C.S. Emblow, W.G. Ambrose, I.H. Ellingsen & J. Skarðhamar, 2009: Benthic macrofauna and productivity regimes in the Barents Sea — Ecological implications in a changing Arctic, Journal of Sea Research 61, 222-233.
- Skarðhamar J, D Slagstad, A Edvardsen 2007: Plankton distributions related to hydrography and circulation dynamics on a narrow continental shelf off Northern Norway. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 75, 381-392.
- Eilertsen HC, J Skarðhamar 2006: Temperatures of north Norwegian fjords and coastal waters: Variability, significance of local processes and air-sea heat exchange. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 67, 530-538.
- Skarðhamar J, H Svendsen 2005: Circulation and shelf-ocean interaction off North Norway. Continental Shelf Research 25, 12-13, pp 1541-1560.
- Karlsen Ø, PA Bjørn, IA Johnsen, J Skarðhamar, A Sandvik, J Albretsen, R Nilsen, RMS Llinnares, L Asplin, O Skilbrei, B Finstad, Ingebrigt Uglem, M Berg, GL Taranger 2015. Risikovurdering lakselus 2014. In: Svåsand T, KK Boxaspen, Ø Karlsen, BO Kvamme, LT Stien, GL Taranger (Eds.): Risikovurdering av norsk fiskeoppdrett 2014, Fisken og havet, særnummer 2-2015, s. 16-49. Havforskningsinstituttet.
- Bjørn PA, Ø Karlsen, PA Jansen, D Jimenez, IA Johnsen, J Skarðhamar, A Sandvik, J Albretsen, AB Kristoffersen, R Nilsen, RMS Llinnares, L Asplin, O Skilbrei, B Finstad, GL Taranger 2014. Risikovurdering av Lakselus 2013. In: GL Taranger, T Svåsand, BO Kvamme, T Kristiansen, KK Boxaspen (Eds.): Risikovurdering av norsk fiskeoppdrett 2013, Fisken og havet, særnummer 2-2014, s. 14-52. Havforskningsinstituttet.
- Asplin L, AD Sandvik, J Albretsen, J Skarðhamar, B Ådlandsvik 2012. En strøm av fjord- og kystdata. Havforskningsrapporten 2012, Fisken og havet, særnummer 1–2012, s. 41-42.
Popular science and outreach:
- Ådlandsvik B, M Ostrowski, J Skarðhamar 2015: Physical conditions off the coast of Northern Norway. In: Buhl-Mortensen L, Thorsnes T. (eds), The Norwegian Sea Floor, New knowledge from MAREANO for ecosystem-based management. In press.
- Bjørn PA & J Skarðhamar 2015: ”Til laks åt alle…”. Ottar. Populærvitenskapelig tidsskrift fra Tromsø museum – Universitetsmuseet nr. 304, s30-36.