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Kristin Heggland

PhD candidate Norwegian Polar InstituteResearch department: Ecotoxicology
Work address Norwegian Polar Institute Fram Centre Post box 6606 Langnes Tromsø 9296 Norway
Photo of Kristin Heggland

PhD project title:

Using local adaptation to infer future evolutionary responses of Calanus copepods to a changing environment.

PhD project description:

The Ph.D. project will investigate the potential of Calanus finmarchicus and C. glacialis to acclimatize and adapt to future climate changes. The project will focus on the climate effects temperature, pH, and salinity. Individual Calanus will be put into individual flow-through respirometer vials where respiration and ingestion will be measured. Single individuals will be measured throughout the entire range of environmental variable allowing us to follow the responses of single individuals, and genetic species identification once the experiments are over. Respiration, ingestion, and the scope of growth will be used to make reaction norms. Calanus from the different sites will also be sampled for seascape genomics.

Start date: 09.04.2020
Planned submission date: 08.04.2023


Allison Bailey (Norwegian Polar Institute, Tromsø, Norway)
Haakon Hop (Norwegian Polar Institute, Tromsø, Norway)
Camilla Svensen (UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway)

Scientific publications:

  1. Renaud, P. E., Daase, M., Banas, N. S., Gabrielsen, T. M., Søreide, J. E., Varpe, Ø., Cottier, F., Falk-Petersen, S., Halsband, C., Vogedes, D., Heggland, K., Berge, J., (2018). Pelagic food-webs in a changing Arctic: a trait-based perspective suggests a mode of resilience. ICES Journal of Marine Science. fsy063. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsy063
  2. Misund, O. A., Heggland, K., Skogseth, R., Falck, E., Gjøsæter, H., Sundet, Watne, J. & Lønne, O. J., (2016). Norwegian fisheries in the Svalbard zone since 1980. Regulations, profitability and warming waters affect landingsPolar Science10: 312-322
  3. Heggland, K., Meyer Ottesen, C. A., Berge, J., (2015). Aspects of the life history of the Atlantic poacher, Leptagonus decagonus, in Svalbard waters. Polish Polar Research 36: 79-87
  4. Berge, J., Heggland, K., Lønne, O. J., Cottier, F., Hop, H., Gabrielsen, G. W., Nøttestad, L. & Misund, O., A., (2015). First Records of Atlantic Mackerel (Scomber scombrus) from the Svalbard Archipelago, Norway, with Possible Explanations for the Extensions of Its DistributionArctic 68: 54-61


  1. Coté, D., Heggland, K., Roul, S., Robertson, G., Fifield, D., Wareham, V., Colbourne, E., Maillet, G., Pilgrim, L., Pretty, C., Devine, B., Le Corre, N., Lawson, JW., Fuentes-Yaco, C., Mercier, A., (2019). Overview of the Biophysical and Ecological Components of the Labrador Sea Frontier Area. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat.


  • 2016-2017: Working as lecturer onboard cruise ships going to Antarctica and the Arctic