Marlena Szeligowska » Members
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Marlena Szeligowska
PhD project title:
Modeling the concentrations and structure of plankton and particles in the Spitsbergen coastal waters under different scenarios of environmental changes.
PhD project description:
The main aim of my PhD project is to recognize the future functioning of the Arctic marine pelagial affected by intensified glacier and glacier-fed rivers runoffs in Isfjorden, Hornsund and Kongsfjorden. The Arctic coastal waters are biologically rich and essential both for marine life and fisheries, however the impact of the fresh, highly turbid waters on primary and secondary production is still unknown. Because significant spatial differences along fjord axis, from glacier fronts to the outer parts, have been previously revealed with regard to suspension loads and sedimentation rates, phytoplankton and zooplankton, it is possible to infer about their interactions. Thus, in order to estimate how areas with different extents of freshwater runoff shape coastal marine communities, I will combine hydrography, optics and plankton ecology together with trophic interactions consideration. Such a broad interdisciplinary research will provide a data set for modelling estimations.
Start date: Oct 2019
Planned submission date: Oct 2023
Prof Katarzyna Błachowiak-Samołyk (IO PAN, Sopot, Poland)
Dr Emilia Trudnowska (IO PAN, Sopot, Poland)
Scientific publications:
- Szeligowska M, Trudnowska E, Boehnke R, Dąbrowska AM, Wiktor JM, Sagan S, Błachowiak-Samołyk K (2020) Spatial Patterns of Particles and Plankton in the Warming Arctic Fjord (Isfjorden, West Spitsbergen) in Seven Consecutive Mid-Summers (2013–2019). Frontiers in Marine Science 7:584 DOI=10.3389/fmars.2020.00584