Martial Leroy » Members
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Martial Leroy
Master project title:
Sea ice nitrifiers identifcation, growth rates and determination of optimal growth efficiency in Ramfjord, Norway.
Master project description:
Sea ice nitrification processes have not been fully investigated, therefore observing the in situ nitrification rate, cultivate and isolate nitrifier strains is needed. Ice cores were sampled in Ramfjord, in Troms region, at the end of the polar night. The in situ bacterial activity and nitrification are assessed by isotopic methods (15N, 15C, 3H-Thymidine) In a second time nitrifiers have been isolated on selective media, and 16S RNA was sequenced. Furthermore an investigation of the growth rate under different salinities and temperature have been effectuated. The autotrophic nitrification in sea ice is lower than expected, but insights have been found for a facultative heterotrophic nitrification. The characteristic seems to be widespread in the sea ice bacterial community.
Start date: 15.01.2020
End date: 15:07.2020
Rolf Gradinger (professor, UiT, Tromsø, Norway)
Tobias Vonnahme (PhD candidate, UiT, Tromsø, Norway)