Nicolas Gosset » Members
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Nicolas Gosset
PhD project title:
Large-scale zooplankton patchiness in relation to physical processes – eddies and frontal systems – with a special focus on Calanus sp. and euphausiids in the Barents and northern Norwegian Sea.
PhD project description:
Plankton represents the base of the oceanic food web pyramid and is a key indicator of environmental changing conditions. Among others, harvested fish species depend consequently on the distribution and composition of the zooplankton population. In this way, to grasp the impacts of the current issues around climate change and changing ocean environment, the study of plankton communities is vital.
My research interests are directing on zooplankton ecology, physiology, taxonomy, and zooplanktonic biogeography (spatial and temporal distributions) in terms of polar regions as well as the main questions linked to global climatic issues that take place in the oceans. My four-year-long PhD position focused on zooplankton patchiness observation in the Norwegian Sea and questions about spatial and temporal variability of zooplankton population.
Start date: May 25, 2021
Planned submission date: May 2025
Sünnje Basedow (UiT, Tromsø, Norway)
Boris Espinasse (UiT, Tromsø, Norway)