Snorre Flo » Members

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Snorre Flo

PhD candidate UNIS – The University Centre in SvalbardArctic Biology
Work address UNIS – The University Centre in Svalbard Post box 156 Longyearbyen 9171 Norway
Photo of Snorre Flo

PhD project title:

Mapping trophic interactions in small Arctic invertebrates.

PhD project description:

The overarching goal of my PhD-project is to characterize the prey species composition of small Arctic invertebrates along a spatial and temporal gradient in the Barents Sea. My first task is to dissect the diet of small but numerically abundant copepods such as Oithona similis. Due to their small size (< 2 mm), these animals have received less scientific annotation relative to larger Arctic copepods (e.g. Calanus spp.). Moreover, central aspects such as their feeding remains particularly enigmatic due to practical difficulties in identifying small and partially digested organisms from small stomachs. Today, next-generation sequencing and standardized bioinformatics pipelines allow studying the complexity of these trophic interactions in detail. We are therefore using the so-called dietary metabarcoding pipeline to characterize the species composition in their gut-contents, during different seasons and at different latitudes.

Start date: 8. Oct 2019
Planned submission date: 8. Oct 2023


Anna Vader (UNIS, Longyearbyen, Svalbard)
Camilla Svensen (UiT, Tromsø, Norway)
Kim Præbel (UiT, Tromsø, Norway)
Bodil Bluhm (UiT, Tromsø, Norway)

Outreach/popular science: