Sünnje Linnéa Basedow » Members

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Sünnje Linnéa Basedow

Researcher UiT The Arctic University of NorwayArctic and Marine Biology
Work address Department of Arctic and Marine Biology Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tromsø 9037 Norway Cell Phone: + 47 91 87 76 81 Website: Research group Website: Google Scholar
Photo of Sünnje Linnéa Basedow

Research interests:

  • Biophysical interactions: the influence of physical factors and zooplankton behaviour on the spatial distributions (vertically and horizontally) of oceanic zooplankton
  • Biovolume spectrum theories (a theoretical approach to estimate vital rates and trophic positions of zooplankton based on high-resolution field data) not at least in dynamic marine ecosystems such as fronts
  • New technology (Laser Optical Plankton Counter and Remote Sensing) to gain insight into mechanisms operating on small vs large scales
  • Recruitment dynamics of Calanus finmarchicus.

Running national and international projects:

  • SEA PATCHES – Sustainable harvesting of a patchy resource: aggregation mechanisms and implications for stock size estimates, 2017-2020, NFR financed

Completed national and international projects:

  • CarbonBridge: Bridging marine productivity regimes: How Atlantic advective inflow affects productivity, carbon cycling and export in a melting Arctic Ocean (2013-2017, NFR financed)
  • LoVe MarineEco: Plankton dynamics in the Lofoten-Vestrålen ecosystem (2013-2017, Statoil financed)
  • Population dynamics of the jellyfish Periphylla periphylla and its impact on cod larvae (2011-2016, PhD project, UoN financed)
  • Euro-BASIN: focussed on climate and human forcing, ecosystem impact and consequences for living resources management in the North Atlantic. UoN was mainly involved in work package 3, where we aimed to resolve the oceanographic habitats utilized by key biogeochemical and ecosystem species in the North Atlantic.(2011-2014, EU financed)
  • Spatially structured dynamics of cod larvae in Vesterålen (2010-2013, PhD project, UoN financed)
  • PopCal (2012-2015, NFR financed) Species distribution and genetic population structure in space and time