Colloquium presentation guide

The ARCTOS PhD school students have to give two (three if attending BIO-8504) presentations to ensure that they get practice in presenting their work. In order to encourage a true discussion about how to proceed, with constructive feedback and advice, two ARCTOS members are assigned as censors for the presentation.

NB! Respect timing

1. Presentation (20 min talk + 10 min for questions and comments/advice)

  • Theoretical frame 
  1. Background
  2. state of the art
  3. knowledge gaps
  4. objective
  5. motivation
  • Hypothesis
  • Methodology
  • Progress plan 
  • Identify difficult/challenging issues (practical or analytical) – ask for constructive feedback

2.  Presentation (first paper) (20 min talk + 15 min for questions and comments/advice)

  • Theoretical frame 
  1. Background
  2. state of the art
  3. knowledge gaps
  4. objective
  5. motivation
  • Hypothesis
  • Methodology
  • Results
  1. Which samples/data have been collected so far, and how did you analyze them?
  2. Do you need more samples/data to answer your question? What kind (although maybe not in the original plan)?
  3. Are there more analyses (both methodological and/or statistical/mathematical) that would be useful to do (although maybe not in the original plan)?
  4. Do the current results answer your question? Which questions remain open? Which of these can be addressed in the last part of the PhD?
  • Preliminary conclusions/discussion
  • Progress – deviations from original progress plan?

Only for students that follow BIO-8504:

3. Presentation (45 min talk + 15 min questions and comments)

  • Full presentation of PhD thesis – practice for defense.

Guide for ARCTOS PhD presentations (PDF)